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Jonathan Turley Overrules Hillary Clinton, Won’t Let Her Rewrite History To Play Victim: “Her history of avoiding criminal charges shows she’s anything but”

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley called out failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for trying to play the victim. Turley says Hillary is not a victim and in fact “repeatedly avoided criminal charges even as close associates were charged.”

Turkey wrote: “A 2018 Department of Justice inspector general report revealed “81 email chains containing approximately 193 individual emails” were “classified from the CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET levels at the time.”

“Clinton is echoing her allies’ recent spin that there were only three documents with classification markings among 33,000 emails. It is utter nonsense. The Clinton email scandal is a scandal because these were emails. There is no classification automatically stamped on text being typed out and sent within minutes

“While attachments can have classification markings, the whole point of using secure servers is that emails are created in the moment with inevitable slips in referencing classified material.

“Nevertheless, the emails had classified information, including top-secret information tied to “Special Access Programs.”

“Yet some allies emphasize the inspector general also noted that in some cases there was “conscious effort to avoid sending classified information, by writing around the most sensitive material.” It failed. The emails still contained classified information.

“That’s why she was reckless to use her own server: Such mistakes on private servers are more vulnerable to capture by foreign intelligence services.

“Indeed, according to the FBI, “hostile actors gained access” to some of the information through the emails of Clinton’s associates and aides.

“It’s not clear what Hillary is referencing here. But Comey never said there was no classified information in her emails — he said the opposite. He condemned her handling of the classified material while saying it didn’t warrant prosecution.

“Comey did backtrack later, but not on this point. He said his “mistake” was in how he described her conduct: “I should’ve worked harder to find a way to convey that it’s more than just the ordinary mistake, but it’s not criminal behavior, and find different words to describe that.

“However, she had “dozens of conversations on email about secret topics” and “I think eight about top-secret topics,” he added. “So if I’m gonna be honest, I have to say somehow it’s more than ordinary sloppiness.”

“Clinton objects that she’s held to a different standard. That’s true — but not for the reason she cites. “She’s long been subject to her own standard in brushing off alleged criminal conduct.

Clinton has repeatedly avoided criminal charges even as close associates were charged. Many believe she used insider information from a friend at Tyson Foods to reap a huge windfall on cattle futures in the 1970s. No charge.

“Then there was Whitewater. Bill Clinton later pardoned Susan McDougal, who went to jail in connection to the fraudulent land scheme that involved both Clintons. For Hillary, no charge.

“Then there were the key long-sought Whitewater documents. After the case was effectively over, they suddenly appeared. The New York Times called the documents “elusive,”  as if they moved by free will. “Investigators specifically sought those records, and Clinton’s team denied possession only for them to be found later outside her office. Sound familiar? No charge.

“The Clinton Standard is most evident in the email scandal. Clinton’s staff unilaterally destroyed thousands of emails with BleachBit despite being aware in 2014 that Congress and the State Department were seeking the evidence.

“I know few clients who would have the temerity to order such a unilateral destruction. Her lawyers turned over about 30,000 work-related emails to the State Department and deleted 33,000 others, unilaterally deeming them “personal.”

“So Hillary inadvertently hit upon one demonstrably true statement. There is a Hillary Clinton Standard, and that’s not good for anything other than hat sales.

“Hillary’s denial of what was found on her server exposes something far more serious than signature hypocrisy. It reflects establishment figures’ sense of license that they can literally rewrite history with little fear of contradiction by the media,” he wrote.

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