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AOC Claims She’ll Never Be President – But Only Because So Many Americans “Hate Women Of Color”

We can always count on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to say something ridiculous.

And although Americans have zero interest in her, the liberal media is still obsessed. She even appeared recently on the cover of GQ (a formerly good men’s fashion magazine, now a leftist rag).

This is what the self-absorbed “socialist” had to say about Americans.

From New York Post:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says it’s unlikely she could ever be elected president of the United States — because so many people in America “hate women” and “would never let that happen.”

“And they hate women of color,” added the 32-year-old, who was described in the article as the “political voice of a generation” and “bona fide culture celebrity.”

Yep, that’s what GQ said of a woman so stupid, she called most Americans racist and sexist.

AOC claims she’ll never be president because most Americans “hate” women of color.

No, you’ll never be president, Alex, because you just insulted most Americans.

How is this woman still in office? Are voters in New York this out of touch with reality?

AOC has humiliated herself again and again with pointless stunts. It seems to impress the media.

But most Americans have grown tired of this woman’s empty attacks and blatant hypocrisy.

Despite calling herself a “socialist,” she continues to enjoy the good life, bought but unabashed capitalism.

This “political voice of a generation” has not achieved a single legislative win, despite being in office since 2019.

AOC is known for her “squad,” a group of progressive Democrats that talk big, but are mired in controversy and get nothing done.

Some of them are even largely disliked by Americans for their possible anti-Semitic views.

But now, people don’t want AOC president because they are such racists.

AOC once embarrassed herself by “crying” at a chain-link fence by the border. She scolded bank CEOs for student loans–when all student loans are given out by the government.

Yet GQ and Democrats have the gall to scold us for not liking a woman who, even by D.C. standards, is useless.

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