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Democrat Candidate Sent Spinning By Candid Video

Democrat Senate candidate John Fetterman keeps giving us reasons not to like him. The man might not be fit for office–not even getting into his shocking views.

But now, he is getting called out for something he did a few years ago.

From Fox News/YouTube:

A new 30-second television ad released by a political committee supporting Republican Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz blasts his Democrat opponent, John Fetterman, over a 2013 incident when he pulled a gun on a Black jogger he mistakenly suspected of a crime…

Fetterman then says in an interview he believes he did “the right thing” while saying he probably broke the law in doing so.

Yikes, John. According to a new ad, then-Mayor Fetterman “chased down” an innocent, unarmed black man.

The man’s crime? Just going out for a jog.

He had no choice but to surrender since Fetterman was pointing a shotgun at him.

Fetterman has defended his shocking decision, although he admitted that he might have broken the law.

Uh… ya think?

The ad is being run by a PAC supporting Republican candidate Mehmet Oz.

The man who Fetterman falsely accused claims the Democrat “lied about everything.”

This is an unflattering development for a controversial candidate running for Senate.

Fetterman is outspoken in his support for legalizing narcotics. He’s even once advocated for “heroin dens.”

The man suffered a stroke earlier in the Summer. Despite this, he has refused to stop his campaign.

Recent events, however, suggest he has not fully recovered from his stroke. The man has struggled to finish sentences, even during short appearances.

This ad could go a long way in tarnishing his reputation, especially with black voters.

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