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Biden’s Dark Red Speech Has Democrats Seeing Red

It’s only been a week since Biden gave his ominous “red-light” speech. America is still reeling from his divisive attacks on MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump.

Somebody on the left thought this speech would help their party. But reports are coming in–and Democrats are seeing red.

From The Western Journal:

According to polling by the Trafalgar Group for the Convention of States Action, 56.8 percent of likely election voters considered the speech to be “a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amongst Americans,” The Center Square reported.

Even more independents, 62.4 percent, felt this way, and just 31 percent considered it to be acceptable messaging during an election year.

While a disturbing 70.8% of Democrats liked the message (according to the Post Millennial) the rest of the country did not.

Trafalgar revealed that 56.8% of voters considered Biden’s attacks on Republicans a “dangerous escalation” designed to inflict conflict–not unite the country.

Even more critical is that independent or “swing” voters rejected it by 62.4%.

According to Rasmussen, Biden’s “red sermon” flopped with this must-need group of voters.

It doesn’t seem that Biden’s speech went over well from the very start. Liberal outlets like CNN bent over backward to portray the speech in a positive light.

But they couldn’t hide the troubling viral images of Biden shouting in front of sinister red light flanked by Marines.

What Biden said was even more alarming, as he called millions of Americans “threats to democracy.”

Some commentators said this speech was the left’s latest attempt to salvage the midterms.

Instead of trying to spin Biden’s “achievements” they were trying to make 2022 all about Trump.

If that was the case, it was a losing strategy, according to these polls. Americans are upset that Biden would go lower than we’ve ever seen him.

And it could spell disaster for Democrats at the voting booth.

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