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Another Domino Falls on Top of Kamala – Her Latest Pet Project Goes Nowhere as NASA Has to Stop Launch

Haven’t heard much from Kamala Harris, these days, have we? Apparently, the Biden administration kicked her over to NASA–where she could do little harm.

For some reason, she was pushing a project that would put black people on the moon. Okay…

But even that project was scrapped.

From Breitbart:

Vice President Kamala Harris’s desperate winless streak continued Monday after NASA scrubbed the Artemis launch due to an issue with one of the rocket’s four engines…

The purpose of the missions are to land a black person and woman on the moon…

Besides delivering speeches, it is unclear what exactly Harris’s role is as the chair the National Space Council. “There have occasionally been snickers about the fact that the VP chairs the administration’s National Space Council,” Politico Playbook reported.

Dang, Kamala can’t catch a break. She’s been in office for two years but has failed to distinguish herself.

Her latest pet project was to oversee a mission that would send a black person and woman to the moon.

Because… that’s what Martin Luther King Jr. would have wanted.

But that was put on hold when the ship’s engines experienced failure. A fitting picture for this “vice president.”

She was tasked to handle a serious crisis, the open border. After she didn’t… nothing, yep, nothing, she was given far fewer jobs.

Kamala traveled to Europe and Asia–and offended French scientists.

She was sent to NASA because, at least there, she can’t humiliate herself. Nope!

I think this administration is running out of busy work for this woman. What a fall from grace.

Keep in mind, that her performance could set the tone for the party’s future. Her time as VP could pave the way for a presidency.

Back at the start, she was literally making calls for Biden–doing his job. Now, she can’t even watch a rocket go to space.

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