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Clarence Thomas Catches Democrats Off Guard – During ‘His Year,’ Normally Quiet Justice Comes Out Firing Questions

The Supreme Court has reconvened for the Fall session and it’s already started with a bang. Major changes have come to how the court conducts its hearings. And it has spun Democrats on their ears.

One of the most iconic members of the court, Clarence Thomas, has been known for being strong and quiet. As it turns out, it was because of a court rule he largely disliked. But the rules have changed this year. And the conservative lion has come out roaring.

And Democrats are running scared. From Fox News:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas came out fast to ask the first questions of the new Supreme Court term Monday, signaling that he will continue to actively participate in oral arguments…

Thomas didn’t wait for the structured time and instead jumped right into the questioning in a way he almost never did before the pandemic…

“It is Justice Thomas’s moment as the intellectual leader of the Court and thus fitting to hear him ask the first question of the new term,” [Former Thomas clerk Carrie] Severino said.

Justice Thomas hammered lawyers with questions at the start of a new court hearing. The conservative justice is generally known to be quiet, speaking rarely during hearings. But the new changes to the court have sparked a drive never seen before.

During one case, he peppered lawyers with tough questions that almost nobody was expecting. According to one of his former clerks, Thomas is taking over as the “intellectual leader” of the court. Thanks to the conservative majority, Thomas has a tremendous role and responsibility to ensure the court produces the right rulings.

It certainly appears that this will be “his year.”

Thomas and other conservative justices were outspoken during their Summer session over several key rulings. He appeared to be upset over how some of the justices made their decisions. It appears that he is now taking a greater role in leading the court, refusing to let politics (or anything else) interfere with the court’s work.

This will prove to be a very serious thorn in the left’s side. Major cases will be brought up before this court. Some of them will be make-or-break issues not only for Joe Biden but for decades-long liberal schemes.

The court will be deciding on the border, gun control, and pro-life laws. With Thomas taking a lead role, hammering lawyers with tough questions, Democrats will have a very hard time making their cases.

Key Takeaways:

  • Justice Clarence Thomas came out swinging with tough questions for lawyers.
  • The normally silent justice is taking a lead, becoming much more vocal.
  • This signals his increasing role as an “intellectual leader” of the court.

Source: Fox News

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