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Supreme Court Hands Down 2nd Amendment Decision – Strikes Down Appeals Court Ruling in Blue State Massachusetts

What’s Happening:

The Supreme Court has begun its fall term. And already they are making history

Previously, the court overturned an anti-Second Amendment law in New York. The ruling put major limits on how liberal states can infringe on Americans’ gun rights.

But the court is far from over. They just took up another extreme gun control law in a nearby blue state.

And they are shutting the left down. From The Epoch Times:

The Supreme Court reversed a federal appeals court decision on Oct. 3 that upheld one of Massachusetts’ tough gun laws, months after the high court expanded Second Amendment rights…

The high court remanded the case, Morin v. Lyver (court file 21-1160), to the U.S Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit “for further consideration in light of” the Supreme Court’s landmark June 23 decision in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen.

The Supreme Court is calling on the 1st Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to review the Massachusetts law, in light of the court’s previous ruling. In Massachusetts, residents were denied the right to purchase a firearm if they were convicted of a nonviolent misdemeanor.

Such a tight restriction goes beyond many state gun laws. Someone can be convicted of a nonviolent crime and be prevented from buying a firearm. The court is ordering the 1st Circuit to review this case, given its decision on a New York gun control law.

It appears the Supreme Court considers its ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen to apply to most other states as well.

In that case, the court decided a state cannot place heavy limits on residents seeking a concealed carry permit. The court also ruled that gun restrictions “must be deeply rooted in American history,” if they can stand.

Gun control wasn’t a thing until the mid-1960s, when Congress started to aggressively pass limits on gun ownership. So, you could argue that most gun laws are not “deeply rooted” in our history. Which can open the door to many challenges in blue states.

This recent decision could result in this Massachusetts law being overturned. And that might only be the beginning.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Supreme Court struck down a ruling upholding a Massachusetts gun law.
  • The law prevented residents convicted of a nonviolent misdemeanor of buying a gun.
  • The court had previously overturned a New York law limiting conceal carried rights.

Source: The Epoch Times

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