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Kayne West Fires Back At Barack Obama In Interview, Calls Former POTUS An “Office Manager”

Kayne West fired back at Barack Obama, the man who once called him a ‘jackass,’ saying the former President is a Black Lives Matter office manager. Speaking to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Kayne said:

“Black Lives Matter office manager. You get a semi-influential black person to be the face of a white company. That means in the design world, in the art world, they would pick artists that were less talented than other artists based on their influence not on their actual work.

Everyone is afraid of losing their opinion….Who is Ye farming for talent that Nike can hire for talent to be our new BLM office manager? Kind of like Obama.

Tucker said, “you think of Obama as a BLM office manager?”

Kanye said: “That’s whatever.”

Kanye West said yesterday he had an upcoming concert canceled after he spoke out.

In a social media post that he deleted he wrote, “My Sofi Stadium show on November 4th just got canceled. I wonder if it had something to do with my White Lives Matter tee, what y’all think?”

West also told Tucker he was bullied by Hollywood and had his life and career threatened because he supported former President Donald Trump. Kayne said:

“My so-called friends, slash handlers around me told me, like, if I said that I like Trump, that my career will be over, that my life would be over.

“They said stuff like people get killed for wearing a hat like that. They threatened my life.

“They put my life, they basically said that I would be killed for wearing the hat. I had someone call me last night and said, ‘Anybody wearing a White Lives Matter shirt is going to be green-lit,’ and that means that they’re going to beat them up if they wear it.

“I’m like, you know, green light me then.”

He added, “Hollywood bullied me into biting my tongue about my support for Trump.” Kayne also spoke about his pro-life views.

CARLSON: So you just came from Paris Fashion Week, you just landed and the lanyard is still on from it and there’s a photograph on it, what is that?

WEST: It’s a photograph of a baby’s ultrasound.

CARLSON: You designed that? Why, what does that mean?

WEST: It just represents life. I’m pro-life.

CARLSON: So you wear it as a badge, what kind of response do you get? And amen, I agree.

WEST: I don’t care about people’s response as I care about the fact that there is more Black babies being aborted than born in New York City at this point.

50% of Black death in America is abortion. I don’t care about people’s responses, I perform for an audience of one and that is God.

He said of the obesity crisis:

“When Lizzo loses 10 pounds and announces it, the bots – that’s a term for – it’s like telemarketer callers, like on Instagram, they attack her for losing weight, because the media wants to put out a perception that being overweight is the new goal, when it’s actually unhealthy.

“Let’s get aside from the fact whether it’s fashion and vogue, which it’s not – or if someone thinks it’s attractive, to each his own.

“It’s actually clinically unhealthy. And for people to promote that, it’s demonic.”

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