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Biden Makes Odd Move Days Before Midterms – Despite ‘Most Consequential Election in History,’ Joe Goes on Vacation

What’s Happening:

Midterm elections are critical to the success of the nation. How Congress shapes up after November will decide if Biden continues to tank the country or if Republicans can salvage what’s left.

Clearly, Democrats need every advantage they can drum up to win re-election. That normally means the face of their party, the “president” himself, needs to get out there and stir up the base.

But with just days before early voting and the big day, Biden is skipping out of Dodge. And it’s all part of the left’s plan.

From Daily Caller:

President Joe Biden is scheduled to depart Friday for a long weekend in Delaware, making his week a four-day work week, despite calling the upcoming midterm election “the most consequential election in our history.”


When asked why the president is spending the weekend vacationing so close to the midterms, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Biden takes the midterms “very seriously” and that he’s “been around.”

Okay, Karine. Biden has spent more than a quarter of his presidency away from the White House. He’s been hiding out in Delaware for 174 days over the last two years.

And now, with his party set to lose big this November, he is spending four valuable campaign days on an extended vacation. That should tell you how little his party thinks of old Joe.

In reality, Biden showing up at a rally or event would be a detriment to liberal candidates’ chances. Biden has some of the worst approval ratings in presidential history. Nobody has had worse approval in the last eighty years.

Americans blame him for most of the problems battering the country. And much of the midterms will be decided by Biden’s failed presidency.

The best thing Democrats can do at this point is hide him away–like they did in 2020. Biden is not an asset. He is a pawn. They use him when they need the “president” to sign a bill or order. Otherwise, he just gets in the way.

That’s why he’s taking a vacation at such a critical time, instead of pounding the pavement to win over voters.

How pathetic.

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden is going on a 4-day vacation, just days before the midterm elections.
  • Democrats do not want the man campaigning for him, given his low approval.
  • Signs point to Democrats losing big this November, thanks to Biden’s failures.

Source: Daily Caller

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