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Biden’s 2024 Chances Just Took a Sharp Turn – Democrat Voters Give Joe a Nasty Wake-Up Call

At the end of the summer, Democrats were surging in most polls and surveys. It appeared likely they’d hold the Senate, the House was tightening up, and the President’s approval had risen.

But all of that appears to have turned sharply in recent weeks. Increasing crime and economic concerns are hitting the controlling party hard, and the Biden administration is feeling the pressure.

Now, it’s not just Republicans who have a problem with our leadership.

According to a new Fox News poll, the party lines are still clear: 9 of 10 Republicans want another Democratic candidate besides Biden in 2024, while 7 in 10 Democrat voters still want Biden.

However, 54 percent of all registered voters said they’re considering someone other than the current POTUS for the Democratic nominee in 2024.

The biggest issue above all is that Democrat citizens obviously aren’t confident in Biden running again. Either they don’t believe he’d win, or they don’t want to see him tackle another term.

Via Washington Examiner:

The poll revealed that only 35% prefer Biden as the Democratic Party’s 2024 nominee. This latest poll comes from Oct. 9-12.

Biden’s popularity seems to have waned considerably in recent weeks.

Even President Donald Trump, who has seen a drop in approval since the FBI Mar-a-Lago raid, is still beating Biden according to some polls.

In more bad news for the current Commander-in-Chief, Biden keeps losing support from independent voters: 54% now want another candidate, and only a mere 13% said they want a second term for Biden.

He has also taken a tumble in another category:

The poll showed that in October 2020, nearly half (49%) of voters saw Biden as a “strong leader.” That number has taken a dramatic dive since, plummeting 14 points down to just 35%.

Said Republican pollster Daron Shaw:

Political science research indicates that when a president is perceived as being a ‘strong leader,’ they are likely to have positive ratings overall.

In Biden’s case, it’s hard to overcome the fact that almost two-thirds think he’s weak.

The President doesn’t appear to be faring well in any poll, and is underwater on just about all major topics important to voters.

If this “red wave” continues to grow through the midterms and into 2023, it’s very possible that Democrats will ultimately choose another candidate to run in 2024. Many voters want someone new and young.

As for the GOP, they’re hoping to flip both the House and Senate, and then take the White House in an effort to stop the “woke” agenda they claim has spiraled out of control.

Key Takeaways:

  • President Joe Biden’s approval among Democrat voters has fallen sharply in recent years.
  • Now a new poll shows that only about 1/3 of leftist voters want Biden to be the Democrat nominee in 2024.
  • Nearly half said Biden was a “strong leader” in Oct. 2020; that has since fallen 14 points to only 35%.

Source: Washington Examiner

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