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Elon Musk Silences Woke Critics, Gets Last Laugh: “We’re looking forward to a record-breaking Q4, I see a potential path for Tesla to be worth more than Apple and Saudi Aramco combined”

The left celebrated Elon Musk as everything that is right with America when they thought he shared their narrow view of the world.  When they found out he didn’t they turned on him as two-bit jealous charlatans always do, by praying for his demise.

When Musk said he wanted to buy Twitter because he is terrified for America’s future if we do not nip in the bud the new censorship taking place, the left lost their minds. Take a look at Alexander Vindman, one of the biggest cheerleaders for escalation in Ukraine.

When Musk dared ask for peace in Ukraine, Vindman wanted to cancel Musk as if that arrogant little man could. But Musk knows that little men like that, if not checked, grow into bureaucrats that can and will censor whoever disagrees with them. So this is an existential threat to America and Musk needs to win.

The left wants Musk to fail and fail big time. But they will be waiting a long time after Tesla announced blowout earnings that saw increases in revenue and profit for the third quarter. And the future looks even better.

“We’re looking forward to a record-breaking Q4,” Musk said. “Knock on wood, it looks like we’ll have an epic end of year.”

“I see a potential path for Tesla to be worth more than Apple and Saudi Aramco combined.

“Now that doesn’t mean it will happen or that it’ll be easy.

“In fact, I think it will be very difficult and require a lot of work, some very creative new products, mass expansion and – always – luck.”

“I think it’s an asset that has sort of languished for a long time but has incredible potential,” he said of Twitter.

“Although obviously myself and the other investors are obviously overpaying for it right now, the long-term potential for Twitter in my view is an order of magnitude greater than its current value.”

According to Fox Business:

The company said it had about $21.45 billion in total quarterly revenue, up 26.8% from the second quarter and 55% from last year’s third quarter.

Its profits, meanwhile, were $3.3 billion, a significant increase from the $1.6 billion reported during the same three-month period in 2021.

Telsa’s revenue came in lower than the $21.96 billion estimate from Refinitiv.

Automotive gross margin for the third quarter remained flat at 27.9% quarter-over-quarter but fell year-over-year, the company said. In the third quarter of 2021, its automotive gross margin was 30.5%.

Earlier in October, Tesla said its vehicle production for the quarter came in at over 365,000, and its deliveries were over 343,000.

Both of those figures were up from the second quarter when the electric vehicle maker reported producing over 258,000 vehicles and delivering over 254,000.

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