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BREAKING NEWS: CEO Of US Election Software ARRESTED [Details]

CEO of software firm Konnech, Eugene Yu, has been arrested in relation to the storage of data servers in China.

The LA Times reported that “Yu, 51, was arrested early Tuesday just outside of Lansing, Mich., after prosecutors alleged he improperly stored the information on servers in China, according to Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón. Yu, who is the chief executive officer of a company named Konnech, is expected to be extradited to Los Angeles in the coming days, Gascón said.”

Gascón revealed that “Konnech allegedly violated its contract by storing critical information that the workers provided on servers in China. We intend to hold all those responsible for this breach accountable.”

LA Times also stated “Prosecutors learned of the data breach this year through a ‘separate investigation’ undertaken by the district attorney’s office, according to Gascón. He would not say what the other investigation was or exactly when his office became aware of the breach.”

In reaction to the arrest, the software firm issued a public statement that read: “We are continuing to ascertain the details of what we believe to be Mr. Yu’s wrongful detention by LA County authorities. Any LA County poll worker data that Konnech may have possessed was provided to it by LA County, and therefore could not have been ‘stolen’ as suggested.”

Just earlier this week The New York Times had published an article that claimed “election deniers” had placed Konnech at the center of a “conspiracy theory” through the use of “threadbare evidence.” They suggested that the firm “had secret ties to the Chinese Communist Party and had given the Chinese government back door access to personal data about two million poll workers in the United States.”

According to The Times, the allegations against the firm “demonstrate how far-right election deniers are also giving more attention to new and more secondary companies and groups.”

It’s NOT ‘far-right election deniers’

At the time, Konnech had denied the accusations and assured that “all the data for its American customers were stored on services in the United States and that it had no ties to the Chinese government.”

On Tuesday, not-for-profit True the Vote had downloaded the personal information of over 1.8 million poll workers from the Konnech servers located in China and promptly forwarded the information to the FBI.

Konnech’s contract with the U.S. would be violated by holding data in China.

At the moment, Konnech is standing by their CEO, blaming election deniers for destroying the reputation of the company.

According to the report by The New York Times, “The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office said in an emailed statement that it had cause to believe that personal information on election workers was ‘criminally mishandled.’”

True The Vote

True the Vote (TTV) is a conservative vote-monitoring organization based in Houston, Texas whose stated objective is stopping voter fraud.

The organization supports voter ID laws and trains volunteers to be election monitors and to spot and bring attention to suspicious voter registrations that its volunteers believe delegitimize voter eligibility. The organization’s current president is Catherine Engelbrecht.

Since 2020, True the Vote has become known for its support for the fact that Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 United States presidential election was due to fraud. In the aftermath of that election, the group repeatedly claimed that they possessed evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election.

The organization was the primary source for Dinesh D’Souza film 2000 Mules.


True the Vote is honored to have played a small role in what must have been a wide ranging and complex investigation. The organization is profoundly grateful to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office for their thorough work and rapid action in this matter.

True the Vote was sued last month by Konnech to try to silence our organization, including obtaining an ex-parte TRO, conducted in secret so that True the Vote had no opportunity to contest it. This TRO limited True the Vote’s ability to speak on the litigation. Today Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested based on alleged evidence of the very activities he and his organization attempted to suppress. Konnech was assisted by many reporters who unblinkingly accepted their now discredited claims as fact, and simply repeated them.

According to True the Vote Founder Catherine Engelbrecht, “Election integrity should not be a partisan issue, nor should media try to suppress all conversation about it in a way that benefits one party. We will continue to report evidence of threats to our election process and work with law enforcement to ensure our elections are a secure space for all American voters.”

Of course the media is controlled by the COMMUNIST DEMOCRATS and have spun the story to discredit CONSERVATIVE efforts to have fair elections which at this point in time we don’t have.

There is no voter suppression but there are major problems with the machines malfunctioning-sometimes being programmed to change votes to democrat and radical leftists who ballot harvest as well as simply throw away republican voter’s ballots.

A Pennsylvania election official was caught on hidden camera telling a Project Veritas journalist to “vote Democrat” inside a polling location.

The official, Christie Yang, is the election board’s Mandarin translator, Gateway Pundit reported.

Yang explained to the journalist how she chooses is to look down the line and go with all of the Democrats.

“I don’t bother with Republicans, because they’re the Trump people,” Yang added. “But if you want the Democrat win, you must focus — if we all focus on Democrat, we can win.”

Here’s PROOF but of course nothing will be done.



That’s just one of hundreds if not thousands of ways that democrats cheat.

Election fraud is rampant.

The DEEP STATE is very powerful and at this point there really is no solution to stop them.

Biden beat TRUMP?

Not a chance.



Look at what’s going on in ARIZONA!



Portions of this article via Patriot United News


God Bless.

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