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Elon Musk Goes on Head-Turning Firing Spree – After Canning Defiant Engineer, He Lays off Most Contract Workers

What’s Happening:

The far-left folks who work at social network Twitter have been having a bad few weeks. Billionaire businessman Elon Musk bought the company, vowing to make it profitable at all costs. He sacked the top executives who have been dragging the company down.

He followed that up by firing half of the company’s employees. Hopefully, they were all Bernie bros.

One Twitter engineer, apparently full of himself, decided to defy something Musk said in public. That didn’t work out too well.

From The Western Journal:

It began with Musk apologizing for Twitter being slow in some countries, then turned into the spectacle of Twitter engineer Eric Frohnhoefer disagreeing with Musk — all this taking place on Twitter over the course of hours.

It ended with a Muskian variant of former President Donald Trump’s signature line from “The Apprentice” with Musk writing, “He’s fired.”

Ouch. But Musk wasn’t finished. He went on to get rid of 80% of the company’s contract workers.

From Breitbart:

Elon Musk’s Twitter has slashed its contract workforce by 80 percent with none of the company’s internal teams being notified in advance…

…more than 4,000 contract workers had their jobs terminated this weekend after losing access to Slack and other work systems. According to Platformer, which first reported on the terminations, about 4,400 of the 5,500 Twitter contractors were fired.

Musk has been on a firing spree after taking over Twitter. Few users are sad about it, since the social network has turned into a leftist wasteland in recent years. Musk vowed to make the company profitable and it looks like he’s doing that by cutting the fat.

One engineer dared to insult and defy Musk openly, while Musk was apologizing for slow speeds in certain countries. The man quoted a tweet from Musk and said he was wrong. Another user told the man he shouldn’t argue publicly with the literal owner of the company.

Musk replied by saying he was already fired.

Clearly, Musk isn’t playing around. The man is on a spree, firing leftist employees who refuse to support free speech. And it seems anyone who appears to disagree with Musk or insults his authority as the boss is getting cut.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elon Musk fired a Twitter engineer after the man insulted him publicly.
  • Musk also fired 80% of Twitter’s contractors, after laying off half of the workers.
  • Musk has vowed to make Twitter profitable and protect free speech.

Source: Breitbart, The Western Journal

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