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Biden And Pelosi Beaten By Their Own Democrat – Senator Sinema Just Burned Reconciliation Bill To The Ground

It seems that the Democrats’ agenda is coming apart at the seams. And one of their own just shot them down.

House Democrats have tried to force Pelosi to pass the “bipartisan” spending bill.

She will only do it, if Biden’s bloated $3.5 trillion welfare package is tied to it.

Moderate Democrats have refused to accept that, stalling the spending bill’s passage.

From Fox Business:

A growing division among House Democrats over when to vote on a $1 trillion infrastructure package and a larger reconciliation bill is threatening to jeopardize two crucial pieces of President Biden’s sweeping legislative agenda.

Pelosi tried to force their hand, but she failed. Now, a moderate senator is making sure her schemes will crumble into dust.

From Fox Business:

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., on Monday said she would not support Democrats’ $3.5 trillion spending plan, potentially dashing hopes of passing the proposal via budget reconciliation…

“Proceedings in the U.S. House will have no impact on Kyrsten’s views about what is best for our country – including the fact that she will not support a budget reconciliation bill that costs $3.5 trillion,” a Sinema spokesperson told Politico in a statement.

Sen. Sinema, a moderate Democrat from Arizona, made it clear she would not support Biden’s toxic $3.5 trillion spending plan.

Many people, including Republicans, warned that the bipartisan bill was just a “Trojan horse” for the bigger spending package.

Democrats were determined to ram that bill through, relying on all 50 Democrats in the Senate to make it happen.

But without Sinema’s help, that $3.5 trillion bill is DOA. Add to that Joe Manchin’s frequent criticism of the massive socialist package, there is a good chance it won’t see the light of day.

Without Sinema’s (or Manchin’s) vote, Democrats in the Senate lack the 50 votes need to get it passed. Every Republican in the Senate vowed to vote against it.

That cast the future of the bipartisan infrastructure deal into doubt. A few Republicans and all Democrats in the Senate passed it.

But if Pelosi can’t get the bigger bill from the Senate, will she let the other bill die on the vine?

We know Pelosi was trying to coerce Senate Democrats to pass the $3.5 trillion bill. She was holding the infrastructure bill hostage to do so.

But if the larger bill won’t see the light of day, what happens next?

I guess we’ll find out what matters more to Pelosi: helping Americans or “punishing” her own party?

Key Takeaways:

  • House Democrats are fighting Pelosi over the $1 trillion infrastructure bill.
  • Pelosi won’t pass it, without Biden’s larger $3.5 trillion welfare bill.
  • Sinema will not vote for it, meaning it might not pass.

Source, Fox Business

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