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After Biden’s America Suffers for Thanksgiving – The President Spends the Holiday at Billionaire’s Mansion

What’s Happening:

It’s no secret that Thanksgiving is much more expensive this year–thanks to Joe Biden. The price of food has skyrocketed under the Biden administration. This is due to a variety of factors, mostly Biden’s failure to address the struggling supply chain–and other decisions that he made which have deliberately hurt the economy.

Reports indicate that everything from stuffing to turkey will cost Americans much more this year. And that’s not getting into the high price of just traveling to see family. But is Biden worried? Of course, not. When has he even shed a tear over Americans in need? In fact, one of his cronies just said Biden is “happy” with inflation.

And while some families struggle this year, Biden will be eating with a billionaire.

From New York Post:

For the second straight year, President Biden and his family will spend Thanksgiving at the Nantucket home of private-equity billionaire David Rubenstein…

Joe Biden, his wife Jill, and other family members were set to fly to the upscale Massachusetts island on Air Force One later Tuesday and remain there until Sunday, the White House confirmed over the weekend.

While there, the Bidens plan to stay at Rubenstein’s sprawling, $20 million waterfront home, the Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror reported.

Must be nice! While American families wonder how they will pay for Thanksgiving dinner, Biden will enjoy a free dinner at the table of billionaire David Rubenstein. He and his crooked family will enjoy several days at the man’s $20 million home on Nantucket.

Hmm… it’s hard to claim Biden is a “man of the people” when he hobnobs with the richest elitists on the planet. What is Bernie Sanders saying right now–since his ally is breaking bread with the one percent of the one percent?

How can Democrats pretend their guy is really looking out for the working class and poor when he so frequently jets off to have dinner with billionaires?

Isn’t it odd that the “president” isn’t having Thanksgiving at the White House? Or his own home in Delaware? Why isn’t Biden opening up the White House to feed the poor? Or do something that makes him seem even remotely sympathetic or compassionate?

Nope! He is doing what every elitist does–taking care of himself. Biden has routinely ignored inflation, even as food prices hit record highs. He smugly said the economy is “strong as hell” as he licked ice cream that cost more than some people’s lunches.

He does not care that Americans are suffering. In fact, that seems to be part of the plan. As long as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, Biden is “happy.”

Key Takeaways:

  • Biden’s advisor claims Joe is “happy” over prices, despite raging inflation.
  • Joe Biden will be spending Thanksgiving at a billionaire’s $20 million house.
  • This comes as Thanksgiving dinner will cost much more this year.

Source: YouTube, New York Post

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