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Hollywood Star With Cannibal Fetish Breaks Silence After Fall From Grace, Blames Past Sexual Abuse

Armie Hammer, the Hollywood movie star who had an epic fall from grace after women came forward and accused him of sexual abuse and having a cannibal fetish has broken his silence. Women provided screenshots and recordings of conversations where Hammer said, among other things:

“I own you. I decide when you sleep. “I am 100% a cannibal. I want to eat you. I have a fantasy about having someone prove their love and devotion and tying them up in a public place at night and making their body free use.”

That caused Hammer to lose movie role after movie role. On January 13, 2021, Hammer dropped out of the movie, Shotgun Wedding, saying: “I’m not responding to these bullshit claims but in light of the vicious and spurious online attacks against me, I cannot in good conscience now leave my children for 4 months to shoot a film in the Dominican Republic.”

He hoped that would be the end of it but the next day, Courtney Vucekovich, a beauty-app developer who had briefly dated Hammer told The Daily Mail, “He was really into saying he wants to break one of your ribs and eat it. Like barbecue it and eat it.

“In terms of the BDSM stuff, he made that pretty clear that it is something he is interested in very early on in the relationship and he referenced breaking my ribs often.”

Hammer lost it all in the fallout and is now speaking and blaming his behavior on past sexual abuse.

He said his kinks are from the sexual abuse he suffered at the hands of a youth pastor who molested him when he was 13 years old. He also said he tried to commit suicide during the fallout.

He said:

“What that did for me was it introduced sexuality into my life in a way that it was completely out of my control. I was powerless in the situation.

“I had no agency in the situation. Sexuality was introduced to me in a scary way where I had no control. My interests then went to: I want to have control in the situation, sexually.”

As to his attempted suicide, he said: “I just walked out into the ocean and swam out as far as I could and hoped that either I drowned, or was hit by a boat, or eaten by a shark.

“Then I realized that my kids were still on shore and that I couldn’t do that to my kids.”

Hammer said of the sexual activity that brought him down:

“Every single thing was discussed beforehand. I have never thrust this on someone unexpectedly.


His paternal great-grandfather was oil tycoon Armand Hammer but he says he has been cut off from the family fortune.

“I’m here to own my mistakes, take accountability for the fact that I was an asshole, that I was selfish, that I used people to make me feel better, and when I was done, moved on.

“I’m now a healthier, happier, more balanced person. I’m able to be there for my kids in a way I never was.

“I’m truly grateful for my life and my recovery and everything. I would not go back and undo everything that’s happened to me.”

He said he went to rehab and is in a better place and suggested he deserved a second chance. He said:

“There are examples everywhere, Robert Downey Jr. being one of them, of people who went through those things and found redemption through a new path.

“And that, I feel like, is what’s missing in this cancel-culture, woke-mob business.

“The minute anyone does anything wrong, they’re thrown away. There’s no chance for rehabilitation.”

“When they throw someone like me on the fire to protect themselves…all they’re doing is making the fire bigger. And that fire is now out of control and it’s going to burn everyone.”




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