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New Orleans Democrat Mayor in Deep Trouble – She Should Be Worried After Recall Petition Gets Enough Signatures

Political leaders are facing more criticism than ever before in America. The Biden administration is under constant scrutiny for a variety of reasons, including the economy and the border crisis.

But the issues don’t stop in Washington, as they continue down to the state levels as well.

For example, one southern Democrat is in danger of losing her job as Mayor — a petition to remove her is moving forward.

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell has been under fire for a while now, as New Orleans was recently dubbed the nation’s murder capital, with homicides skyrocketing in 2022.

The citizens obviously don’t feel safe in the city anymore, and they say Mayor Cantrell has failed them. As a result, a petition to recall her started last August, and it quickly gained plenty of traction.

Now, that petition has gotten enough signatures, and Mayor Cantrell might be out of a job soon.

From Breitbart:

A group working to recall New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell (D) has reportedly collected the signatures needed to put her second term at risk, the news coming as the city endures rampant crime.

‘Right now our mayor doesn’t love New Orleans so the citizens and the residents stood up. We’re taking our city back, and we’re gonna save New Orleans,’ vice chair of the No LaToya recall campaign, Eileen Carter, told Fox News this week.

Petition organizers needed 50,000 signatures and they say they’ve exceeded that number.

The petition was originally filed by Carter and Belton Baptiste, and then confirmed by the Louisiana Secretary of State’s office. Ever since, they’ve been collecting signatures from irate New Orleans residents.

As Baptiste told fox:

Mayor LaToya, it ain’t that we hate you. You didn’t do your job, and you’re about to be fired.

Homicides jumped to nearly 250 by the middle of December 2022, and Carter noted that this is a bipartisan effort. In other words, they have people with varying political views signing this petition.

Right now, the voter’s office has 20 days to verify the signatures before they announce next steps.

Organizers are hopeful that the Louisiana governor will grant a special election to get a replacement for Cantrell, and if that happens it’ll be a historic moment for NOLA.

We’ve seen recall efforts several times in the past few years – most notably when they tried to remove California Gov. Gavin Newsom – and they typically don’t work, due to numerous hurdles.

This one might go all the way, though. And if it does, it proves that residents who are tired of crime and poverty aren’t afraid to take action.

Key Takeaways:

  • New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell might be out of a job soon.
  • A recall petition has garnered enough signatures (50,000) and once verified, they might move on to a special election.
  • New Orleans recently became the homicide capital of the country.

Source: Breitbart

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