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Tim Allen Drops Hammer on Woke Hollywood – Home Improvement Co-Star Gives Him Major Recognition

What’s Happening:

Hollywood liberals are always ready to jump up and down and praise their own just for virtue signaling or jumping on the cultural bandwagon.

But for conservatives? Not so much. Guys like Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson and Kelsey Grammer get little attention nowadays in the media for their excellent work, much less during awards season.

Which is why it’s so refreshing that Tim Allen’s co-star just stood up for the conservative comedian and actor. From Fox News:

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Richardson said that she didn’t believe Allen received enough recognition for his acting talent during his time on “Home Improvement.”

She continued, “He had never acted before. He was getting acting lessons on the side.”

“I kept telling the guys who would like, bug him, and after our first couple performances, they would be on him,” she said. “And I would be like, ‘Why are you giving him such a hard time? He’s brilliant. He’s better than a lot of actors I’ve worked with that are really actors in New York who don’t even look at you, you know?’”

What a compliment for a comedian who was new to acting. But she said he took on challenges that other comedians-turned-actors never tackled:

“Obviously, Jerry Seinfeld was so charming and great,” she said. “But I don’t think you ever had to see Jerry do something serious, you know, like losing his parents or talking about the death of his father or dealing with lots of things that we dealt with in that show.”

And yet Tim Allen continues to be overlooked in Hollywood and branded as a conservative and a sideshow to what’s really going on in culture. The man is now a centerpiece of Christmas with his Santa Clause movies and TV series.

He’s the iconic voice of Buzz Lightyear, and set to return for Toy Story 5 after Disney unceremoniously dumped him from the standalone Lightyear movie, which unsurprisingly tanked.

And after years of a successful, Emmy-nominated series in Home Improvement, Allen doubled down with the long-running sitcom “Last Man Standing,” which wore its conservative beliefs right on its sleeve.

Tim Allen definitely deserves a round of applause for such a successful career, and for doing it in the face of a dismissive woke Hollywood.

Key Takeaways:

  • Patricia Richardson revealed Tim Allen deserves more credit for his star-turning role in Home Improvement.
  • Allen has been fighting upstream for decades against the liberal Hollywood stream.

Source: Fox News

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