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Supreme Court Delivers Major 8-1 Ruling – They Just Smacked Down a Concerning Federal Court Ruling

What’s Happening:

In the aftermath of the death of Roe v. Wade, Democrats are coming up with all sorts of schemes to protect abortion. It doesn’t seem they very much respect the Supreme Court, which gave states the power to decide abortion law. In fact, Democrats seem hellbent on pushing this heinous practice, even in states where the majority disagrees.

In one case, an apparently activist judge ruled that a minor can sue to obtain permission for an abortion, without a parent’s consent. The case was taken all the way to the Supreme Court. And, in a shocking 8-1 ruling, the court set the record straight.

From Fox News:

The U.S. Supreme Court vacated a federal court decision on Monday that upheld a minor’s right to go to court for permission to obtain an abortion, with Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson authoring the lone dissent in the case.

In its decision, the high court overturned a lower court ruling that said a state court clerk could be sued for denying a pregnant teenager’s request for permission to get an abortion without her parents’ consent. The Supreme Court remanded the case to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit with instructions to dismiss the case as moot.

Boom. The Supreme Court vacated a ruling that gives minors the power to sue, so they can get an abortion without their parents’ consent. Only one justice dissented, Biden’s Ketanji Brown Jackson (the same woman who does not know what a “woman” is).

You can see how the original ruling would have opened up all kinds of horrific scenarios. If minors can sue to get an abortion without a parent’s consent, the floodgates would have been opened. Democrats would have coerced young women to cross state lines to get abortions.

Abortion activists would have cooked up all sorts of schemes to facilitate abortions for minors. It would have been a disaster on all fronts. But the court’s ruling declares this issue moot, meaning minors can’t do this.

But that’s hardly the end of the matter. Across the country, Democrats are fighting to force abortion onto the state. They are suing to upend lawfully passed abortion bans. They try to invalidate the will of the people by coming up with loopholes to get around limits to this practice.

Hmm… it doesn’t seem like Democrats care too much about democracy, when it comes to ending an unborn human life. More and more, Democrats appear to be the party of abortion-on-demand; abortion as the first and only choice for most Americans.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Supreme Court overruled a case that lets minors sue to get abortions.
  • The original ruling allowed minors to sue, without their parents’ consent.
  • The ruling was 8-1, with only Biden’s pick dissenting.

Source: Fox News

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