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Adam Schiff Suddenly in Very Deep Trouble – New Report Could Be Curtains for His Career

What’s Happening:

Oh, boy, Adam Schiff. The man dubbed “Pencil Neck” by Donald Trump has been a problem for the House for years. He was Top Dog when Nancy Pelosi needed someone to go after 45. But in recent years, he’s been put on the shelf by his own party–although they still protected him. Now with Republicans in charge of the House, Schiff could be in big trouble.

Recently, John Durham released his final report revealing the FBI knew the Russia-Trump narrative was false. As it turns out, Adam Schiff for years was pushing the story, claiming he had hard evidence of Trump’s guilt. Durham’s report showed that the FBI didn’t have evidence and certain neither did Schiff. Now, one House Republican is gunning to take this Democrat down.

From The Post Millennial:

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida filed a resolution in Congress on Wednesday calling for the removal of California’s Adam Schiff after the Durham Report revealed that much of what Schiff said in Congress over the past few years about Donald Trump was based entirely on fabrications.


Yikes. Speaker McCarthy already punished Adam Schiff by removing him from powerful committees. But now, Rep. Luna is calling for a resolution to kick Schiff out of Congress for good. She is accusing Schiff of lying to America over the Russia collusion hoax. She hammered him for spending “millions of dollars” of taxpayer money on what he knew was false.

The Durham report revealed the FBI knew early on that the Russian collusion story lacked evidence. Schiff himself would have known this, given he was on the House Intelligence Committee. Yet Schiff repeatedly said there was “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight.”

Schiff constantly claimed he has evidence that Trump worked with Russia. But he was frequently called out for failing to produce that evidence. Now with a definitive report stating that the deep state never had evidence, Schiff has no legs to stand on.

With Republicans in control of the House, this resolution is more than a symbolic gesture. Republicans have enough votes to pass this resolution and kick Schiff out. But will that happen?

It’s rare that Americans get to see justice done against the swamp. If Republicans did follow through with this move, it would be a big win for the country. But they will also have to put up with what would be a vicious reaction from the Democrats and their media.

Do Republicans have the guts to do it?

Key Takeaways:

  • Luna filed a resolution to remove Adam Schiff from Congress.
  • She accused Schiff of lying to America and wasting millions of tax dollars.
  • This comes after the final Durham report revealed the FBI had no evidence of a Russian-Trump plot.

Source: The Post Millennial

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