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Tucker’s Permanent Replacement Revealed – And Fox Also Unveils a Brand-New Lineup

What’s Happening:

Fox News has seen its ratings decline each day since firing Tucker Carlson. The network axed one of its top hosts–to the shock of millions of viewers. Carlson has not spoken on the situation but vowed to relaunch his show on social media giant Twitter.

The cable news channel has struggled to find a replacement for Tucker’s old timeslot. All of the hosts they picked saw viewership drop by millions. Fox can’t keep tanking like this. So, a new rumor is circulating about what they are about to do. It amounts to a major prime-time shakeup.

From Mediaite:

The Drudge Report dropped a siren-blaring scoop on Wednesday announcing an imminent shake-up at Fox News, eventually reporting that Sean Hannity will take over at 8 p.m…

Drudge eventually updated that headline to note Hannity’s new gig as well as report both Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld would be heading to prime time.

According to Matt Drudge, Fox News will be moving its late-night lineup to prime time. Sean Hannity, Donald Trump ally and popular host, will reportedly be taking over Tucker’s old time. Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld, who hosts shows later in the evening, will be moving up as well.

Fox News has not officially confirmed this rumor. And it’s unclear if they are negotiating with these hosts or if any of them have given Fox approval for this massive change. You or I might not think it’s a big deal to move shows around on a network, but it’s a very big deal.

Sean Hannity has been hosting the same show for over 25 years. Moving him up even an hour could erode his longtime viewership. And we don’t know if Watters or Gutfeld will do well in new timeslots, which could also alter their overall content and viewer base.

This, if true, is a Hail Mary move by Fox News. They can’t find a good replacement for Tucker, so they are tampering with a lineup that has worked for many years. Gee, if only they had been smart enough not to dump a popular host.

They wouldn’t be in this mess at all!

Key Takeaways:

  • A new rumor suggests Fox News will move up its entire nightly lineup.
  • Sean Hannity will take over Tucker’s timeslot. Late-night hosts will be moved up as all.
  • This comes as Fox’s ratings tank after firing Tucker Carlson.

Source: Mediaite

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