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Minutes After FBI Hands Over Evidence – GOP Boss Blindsides Their Director

What’s Happening:

More and more the federal government is getting exposed for hiding secrets. Unfortunately, there seems to be a two-tiered justice system where those in power are protected from justice.

Well, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer has had enough. He blindsided the FBI director with contempt of Congress proceedings.

The committee asked for a full document related to Biden family corruption to be handed over.

The FBI director did not comply. Comer says that’s contempt. From Fox News:

“At the briefing, the FBI again refused to hand over the unclassified record to the custody of the House Oversight Committee,” Comer said in a statement. “And we will now initiate contempt of Congress hearings this Thursday.”

The document in question, according to Fox, is an FBI-generated FD-1023 form that allegedly describes a $5 million criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.

Why does the FBI continue to protect corruption at the highest levels?

Any regular citizen failing to comply would already be arrested and locked in a padded jail cell, fully expecting a conviction.

GOP leaders aren’t going to let the FBI director shuffle this under a pile of papers.

From Fox News:

“Given the severity and complexity of the allegations contained within this record, Congress must investigate further,” Comer wrote. “The investigation is not dead. This is only the beginning.”

Comer also shut down propaganda spewed by the FBI, White House, and Democrat allies after his announcement.

“These are facts and no amount of spin and frankly, lies from the White House or congressional Democrats can change this information,” Comer added.

GOP leaders must keep exposing these secret coverups of the FBI designed to protect and deflect criminal accountability of the president and his family.

The American people deserve full transparency on any legal action by the government, and certainly any criminal activity of political leaders.

Key Takeaways:

  • GOP leaders blindside FBI director with contempt charges.
  • FBI continues to protect against claims of Biden family corruption.
  • Republicans focus on facts while Democrats spin Biden sins.

Source: Fox News

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