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Texas Stuns Biden with Surprise Legal Move – Joe Thought He Won, But Here Comes Lone Star Justice

What’s Happening:

Liberals everywhere argue that a U.S. border wall doesn’t protect the southern border. But the sneaky government secret is… a border wall does work.

And a federal judge is siding with Missouri and Texas in a lawsuit against President Joe Biden for cancelling thousands of miles of border wall.

After Biden thought he won the case in the lower court, the judge hammered the president’s case and reinstated a lawsuit by a key legal argument from the Texas General Land Office.

From the Washington Examiner:

“Texas alleges (and [the Department of Homeland Security] has in the past affirmed) border barriers (i) reduce illegal entries in areas where constructed, and (ii) increase the rate at which illegal aliens are detected and apprehended,” U.S. Circuit Judge Edith Jones wrote in the panel’s decision.

This was a bit of sweet justice because a panel of judges used the government’s own legal definitions to flip the decision. The New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on June 16 that a lawsuit Missouri and Texas brought in 2021 had standing to proceed after it was originally denied by a lower court, the Washington Examiner reported.

From the Washington Examiner:

“These benefits [of having a wall would] reduce some number of illegal immigrants entering Texas, even if they do not fully stem the tide, and thereby reduce Texas’s costs relative to a non-border wall policy,” Jones wrote.

The appeals court told the lower court to rule “expeditiously” on the states’ preliminary injunction request to stop Biden’s dirty border dealings.

The court simply revealed what every common-sense American knows. As the states argued, immigrants in this case would not have been able to cross the border if the wall projects had been able to continue.

Hundreds if not thousands of miles of border wall could have been completed by now. Millions of illegal immigrants could have been stopped and American cities and citizens would have been protected.

There have been more than 5 million illegal crossing apprehensions since President Joe Biden took office. How many fewer crimes would have been committed against the American people if the wall was in place?

Biden isn’t trying to protect Americans. He’s trying to boost his political standing with liberals by taking away protections like the border wall that keep U.S. citizens safe and criminals out.

Key Takeaways:

  • Missouri and Texas get big wins against Biden’s border deal.
  • Federal appeals court says the two states can sue the government.
  • Border wall could have stopped millions of illegal immigrants.

Source: Washington Examiner

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