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Washington Insider Report Leaks Out – And Papa Joe Never Saw This Betrayal Coming

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When tyrants rule, they must always watch their backs to make sure the ones they trust don’t stab them in the back. Someone is always secretly plotting to get rid of the current tyrant.

Quiet grumblings among Democrats are growing louder as the 2024 presidential election cycle picks up pace. Concerns about Joe Biden’s mental state and physical health as well as questions about his campaign activity are swirling in back-room circles among Democrats.

Can sleepy Joe survive an internal party rebellion against his run for reelection?

Well, the elephant in the room is this: the head donkey is in trouble. Reports are rolling in that operations are in place to retire ‘ole Joe, and maybe well before the 2024 campaigns heat up.

From Fox News:

Several aides of top Democrats have allegedly told (CNN) that the ‘lack of the more robust campaign activity’ from the Biden camp has signaled to them that the current president isn’t actually running again despite his insistence that he is. As a result, they are keeping their options open.

(CNN) stated, ‘The conversations keep happening — quiet whispers on the sidelines of events, texts, emails, furtive phone calls — as top Democrats and donors reach out to those seen as possible replacement presidential candidates.’

And it’s not just the “whispers” among Democrats that show Biden is floundering.

Look at it this way, how many people show up to a rally for former President Donald Trump compared to a few coerced attendees at an event for Biden? Add in the fact that Trump is rolling in millions of dollars in campaign donations while reports show Biden’s campaign emails might bring in a few thousand dollars.

How much more support for Biden can Democrats rally when he keeps mumbling and stumbling at every public event? Belief in their leader  is weakening as fast as Joe’s legs going up a flight of stairs.

From Fox News:

One senior Democrat claimed, ‘It’s a crapshoot, this election, and when it’s a crapshoot, you have to do everything possible. It cannot be done when the guy’s 80 years old and has his day job.’

Despite claims from Biden himself and his close circle of supporters that he is running no matter what, Democrats are working behind the scenes for options in the presidential race.

The conversations keep happening — quiet whispers on the sidelines of events, texts, emails, furtive phone calls — as top Democrats and donors reach out to those seen as possible replacement presidential candidates.

Democrats will need to act quickly to replace Biden if they truly want a stronger candidate, at least one they believe is stronger. Voters are already forming strong opinions as the election cycle picks up pace.

And from The Daily Wire:

Numerous polls have shown Biden struggles against the top two Republican Party presidential candidates—former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Campaign donors, especially big money, don’t like to see these early numbers. Reports are showing that liberal donors are pausing any commitment to Biden, which could spell financial trouble as campaign costs rise quickly moving forward.

Politicians today are widely known as sketchy characters more loyal to their own interests than the leaders they praise. Democrats are showing that they are not happy with Biden and working their options behind the scenes.

Now, Biden is one big blunder from sitting on the sidelines watching the presidential race from his basement in Delaware.

Key Takeaways:

  • Democrats losing faith in Joe Biden for his reelection campaign.
  • Concerns and questions swirl as Dems look for alternative candidates.
  • Senior Democrat calls Biden reelection a “crapshoot.”

Source: Fox News, The Daily Wire

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