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Biden Blindsided by Impeachment Move – Major Leader Just Rocked the Nation

What’s Happening:

In recent days, we’ve learned far too much about Joe and Hunter Biden’s crimes. Far too much… not to do anything about it. The IRS whistleblowers revealed the DOJ covered up Hunter’s activity. And an FBI informant blew the lid off of what Joe and Hunter have been doing for years.

We know that the DOJ won’t investigate or prosecute Joe Biden. They’ve known about this bribery scheme for years but sat on it. It will be up to Republicans to get their acts together and hold this crooked Democrat accountable. And now, a top Republican leader is dropping the hammer of old Joe.

From Breitbart:

“It’s time to impeach” President Biden and expunge former President Donald Trump’s impeachments, Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) told Breitbart News Saturday…

“It’s time to impeach him. The evidence was already there, but this is further evidence that this is the type of high crimes and misdemeanors that should prevent this man from serving any day longer in the White House than what he already has…”

Top Republican in the House, Jim Banks, is calling for Biden to be impeached. In fact, he said he shouldn’t serve “any day longer” due to the overwhelming information against him. The FBI informant revealed that Joe and Hunter Biden were conducting a bribery scheme with Ukraine.

Imagine what Joe was doing with China? And what has he been up to, since entering the White House?

Democrats are indicting Trump again and again, for much less. What would the left do if only a fraction of these allegations against Biden were from a Republican? They would have melted down long ago, calling for his head.

Yet Biden is still a free man, after everything we’ve learned? He makes Crooked Hillary look like Barbie.

Republicans know that the DOJ will not do anything. They need to mobilize and ensure Biden is shut down. Not only in the House, where they have a majority. Senate Republicans need to muster enough support to ensure that Biden is not only impeached but convicted and removed from office.

Sound impossible. They still have to try.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jim Banks is calling for Joe Biden to be impeached over the many allegations against him.
  • Biden has been outed for conducting a bribery scheme with his son while vice president.
  • This comes after years of testimony and evidence pointing to the Bidens’ guilt.

Source: Breitbart

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