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Kamala Harris: It’s Time to Impeach Donald Trump

Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris has urged Congress to begin the process of impeaching Donald Trump. At a CNN town-hall forum in New Hampshire on Monday night, Harris backed an earlier call from rival candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren for impeachment proceedings after the release of Robert Mueller’s report on the Russia investigation. “I think we have very good reason that there is an investigation that has been conducted that has produced evidence that tells us that this president and his administration have engaged in obstruction of justice,” said Harris, adding: “I believe Congress should take the steps toward impeachment.” Fellow candidate Pete Buttigieg said the president has “made it pretty clear that he deserves impeachment,” but added that he would “leave it to the House and the Senate to figure that out.” Sen. Amy Klobuchar was even more cautious on impeachment, and Sen. Bernie Sanders said he worries a move to impeach Trump would distract voters from Democratic policy ahead of the 2020 election.

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