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Swing State Poll Flashes Warning Signs – Walker Pulls Into A Tie With Warnock Kemp Leads Abrams In Georgia

The 2022 midterms haven’t been decided yet—a lot can happen between now November. Republicans are currently confident and Democrats seem worried, but a new poll is turning heads across America.

Republicans are hoping for a “red wave” this November. The critical midterm elections will determine which party holds power in the Senate and House moving forward.

State races are going to be important as well, and it looks like things are heating up in one southern state. Democrats had hoped to secure their hold in the region but now the situation is tense.

That’s Because Two Major Races Now Appear To Be Leaning The GOP’s Way.

The U.S. Senate race in Georgia is between Sen. Raphael Warnock and challenger Herschel Walker, the former football star turned conservative politician.

Up until recently, it looked like Warnock held a healthy lead over the upstart Walker, with some polls showing the Democrat enjoying as much as a 10-point advantage.

However, it seems the tide has shifted significantly as we get closer to election time: according to a recent University of Georgia Survey Research Center poll, the two are now in a “virtual tie” (given the margin of error).

Walker said from the start that he’ll keep fighting no matter how big the deficit, and that determination might be paying off now.

From Breitbart:

Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) holds a narrow three-point lead over former football star Herschel Walker in the race for U.S. Senate in Georgia, according to a poll released Wednesday.

The poll, conducted by the University of Georgia Survey Research Center and published by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, found Warnock at 46 percent and Walker at 43 percent, while eight percent of respondents were undecided.

Counting the 3.3 percent margin of error, this means the two are essentially in a dead heat.

Other polls taken in July point toward the same position, so it looks like this race is going to come down to the wire. It’s especially interesting because Sen. Warnock’s fundraising crushed Walker’s.

The Democrat leader raised $17.2 million in the second quarter, and held $22.2 million cash on hand. Walker took in only $6.2 million in the same timeframe, with about $7 million on hand.

That isn’t translating to a landslide victory for Warnock, though. And he remains firm in his opposition:

Georgians know that a vote for Warnock is a vote for record-high inflation, crime in our communities, $5 gas, and empty shelves – all of which have hit Georgia families hard.

But no matter how much he raises, Sen. Warnock can never hide from his 96% voting record with Joe Biden.

Democrats had anticipated a relatively easy victory over Walker, so this isn’t going the way many anticipated.

In the other major state race, Gov. Brian Kemp was shown to be leading Democrat candidate Stacey Abrams:

The poll gives Kemp 48 percent versus Abrams’ 43 percent, with 7 percent saying they’re Undecided. Abrams has faced continued pressure for her stance on law enforcement, as 100 sheriffs refused to give her any support.

As for Warnock, reports show his voting record aligns with Biden 96 percent of the time, as Walker noted.

And considering Biden’s historically low approval rating right now, that might have a negative impact on the election for the Georgia Democrat. Right now, some Democrats are leery about the President’s flagging support.

It could all lead to a massive shift in November, if the polls can be believed.

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