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Report: 2022 Red Wave Will Be Bigger Than Expected – GOP Projected To Retake House With Up To 255 Seats

For months now, many politicos and insiders have been predicting a “red wave” in November when the midterm elections kick off.

A flurry of polls are projecting a Republican coup: they say it’s highly probable the GOP retakes the House, and possibly even the Senate.

And The Latest Report Shows It Might Be Even More Dramatic Than Expected.

Currently, Democrats hold a slim majority in the House of Representatives. The GOP only needs to flip 5 seats to get back in control.

Right now, the trend across the nation appears to be a shift toward the Republican side with the Biden administration flagging badly in the polls.

The Fox News Power Rankings are now showing more evidence that we’re looking at a bigger red wave than expected.

Via The Daily Caller:

The GOP is predicted to win between 225 and 255 seats in the November midterm elections, according to the Fox News Power Rankings, which uses data such as historical trends, fundraising and other polling to create projections for elections.

Currently, there are 33 seats that the GOP will likely win, with another 30 seats considered as ‘toss-ups’ come this November, according to the analysis.

It’s the change in certain blue areas that should be concerning for Democrats.

For example, there’s a seat in New York’s 18th Congressional District that has a 65 percent chance of flipping red (via FiveThirtyEight).

This district has historically been a left-wing stronghold, and that’s not the only traditional haven Democrats might soon lose.

The economy is the #1 concern for most voters and Democrats are struggling to address inflation and other key issues affecting our general cost of living.

Previously, former White House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted a massive 70-seat wave, and other experts say the statistics are all pointing in one direction.

If the GOP does retake the House and Senate in November, Democrats could then lose the 2024 presidential election.

And with the majority of the nation reportedly not wanting President Biden to run again, the left faces a definite uphill battle.

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