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Court Orders Obama To Repay The Millions He Made From Obamacare

Far too many Americans don’t understand just how corrupt the Obama administration was. After stealing the 2008 election by a mere 6092 votes, the criminal usurper spent the next 2 years changing election laws and gerrymandering political districts to give his party a win in the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Democrats controlled everything from 2010 to 2012.

During that time, Obama put his master plan into action. He forced “Obamacare” onto the books, which was the biggest scam for personal profit of all time. While the American people debated the program and the division of America was underway, Obama sat back with a grin and collected royalties.

ne of his closest advisors at the time, who has since walked away from the Democrats, told us:

“He forced the name ‘Obamacare’ down our throats because he made money every time it appeared in print and anytime it was spoken by a government employee. There are more than 3000 instances of the word ‘Obamacare’ in the law, for which his family charged nearly $5 million. That was just for the use of their name.

“He also claimed that anyone speaking or writing on behalf of the government without paying him was in violation of copyright law under Title 26. In the 8 years since, he’s racked in another $14 million.”

That came to an end today, however, when a federal circuit judge deemed that the royalties were a violation of the Emoluments Clause:

“No President is allowed to profit from being in office. For Mr. Obama to charge the American taxpayer just for the use of his name is an eggregious violation of the clause and a constitutional crisis. Nothing is more despicable than using the office to enrich yourself personally.

“This court orders the Obama family to repay every dime, plus interest, or else they will be charged with fraud.”

The total amount they have to pay back is in excess of $20 million. The Obamas have said they’ll challenge the ruling in the Supreme Court. Let us know how that works out for you, Barry.

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