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Hunter Biden Laptop Coughs Up Concerning Evidence – Records Suggest He Swiped Data From Family Cell Phones

The Hunter Biden laptop saga just got even more interesting. And it would appear that the President’s son might have more to answer for, depending on how the investigation goes.

A copy of the laptop’s hard drive, obtained by the Washington Examiner, has been giving up several secrets recently. The laptop has been making headlines since showing up at a computer repair shop in April 2019.

Now, A Cyberforensics Expert Has Uncovered Something Else About Hunter — And It Doesn’t Reflect Well On The Family.

Evidently, Hunter snagged info stored on Hallie Biden’s phones. Hallie is the widow of Hunter’s deceased brother, Beau, and some of the emails on Hunter’s laptop suggest Hallie might’ve been aware of his China dealings.

In this case, however, the focus isn’t on Hunter’s overseas business.

The former Secret Service agent who examined the copy of the hard drive says Hunter might be guilty of “cyber theft.”

In other words, He Took Personal Data From His Sister-In-Law’s Cellphones Without Her Consent.

According to the report:

The data Biden extracted from iPhones owned by Hallie Biden, the widow of his deceased brother, Beau Biden, included her text messages, photos, notes, call logs, calendar, and over 120 voicemails.

Hunter Biden was not a party to the majority of the communications he got from Hallie’s phones. And yet, it seems clear that her information had been accessed and stored on Hunter’s laptop.

The expert who examined the hard drive, Konstantinos “Gus” Dimitrelos, added that this definitely qualifies as a crime:

I confirmed with 100% certainty Hallie Biden’s iPhones were accessed and data from the devices was copied to the Laptop and stored in numerous folders and later accessed.

Without legal or authorized consent, the person accessing someone else’s computer device and performing the extraction of the data may be in violation of multiple Federal Statutes including 18 USC 1030 and 18 U.S. 2511 for unauthorized access of a computer system or interception of an electronic communication.

Former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy added that the Justice Department treats this sort of crime as “serious business.” Anything involving hacking and bugging, or interception of communications.

McCarthy also said that the laptop scandal doesn’t merely implicate Hunter.

In fact, he said that because the computer files “Show Potentially Unlawful Activity And Shady Foreign Business Arrangements,” it’s “About The Biden Family Broadly.”

Following the death of Beau Biden in 2015 due to brain cancer, Hallie and Hunter began a romantic relationship. And apparently, that relationship was more than a little rocky.

Hallie hasn’t answered whether or not she gave Hunter permission to take personal data from her phones. But given her silence, many are simply assuming she absolutely didn’t give that permission.

For the record, there’s no evidence that Hunter took any data from any of his father’s devices.

Even so, this latest revelation is more bad news for the Biden family, which has been trying to avoid the Hunter laptop issue ever since father Joe entered the White House.

The only problem is, we may be reaching a point where ignoring the issue won’t play any longer with the American public — they’ll want more answers.

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