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Chuck Schumer SLAMS President Trump : “It’s Racist To Only Allow Citizens To Vote”

Senate sleazebag Chuck Schumer (d-ny) has declared limiting vote casting to only individuals as an exercise in racism. the whole lot that protects America from conquest, inclusive of immigration laws, vetting of refugees and voter ids is racist to deprave chuck.

Glaringly feeling a risk to the democrats’ device of voter fraud this is the foundation of each election they win, the Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer declared that Democrats will attempt to use a “should-skip” invoice to dissolve president Donald trump’s voter fraud fee if he doesn’t cease it ‘voluntarily.”
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Chuck Schumer slams president trump: “it’s racist to simplest allow citizens to vote” march nine, 2020

Why are you so against best residents voting or exposing fraudulent voter rolls, chuck? afraid the Yankee people are going to find out what you’ve been up to, the real reason you wanted unlawful extraterrestrial beings to have driver’s licenses? states have long gone out of their way to offer free ids to residents to keep away from any perception of discrimination and made them distinctly clean to get. that’s now not excellent sufficient.

Schumer accused president trump during a Thursday op-ed of being a supremacist which the most convenient suitable manner for him to point out that Schumer is mendacity approximately him is to disband the voter fraud commission. are there not white citizenry voting illegally to chuck or do who they’ll be due to you’ reOrchestrating it and they’re all non-whites?

Schumer cautioned Trump to prove he’s not a supremacist by using letting illegals vote
Schumer wrote, “if the president desires to genuinely show that he rejects the discrimination agenda of the supremacist motion, he will rescind the chief order that created this fee.” he followed that disgusting show up with a couple of equally disgusting Thursday tweets.
Schumer wrote, “on where we follow #charlottesville: it’s time to prevent the assault voting rights. my contemporary on @medium.” he also tweeted, “and if @potus received disband the election integrity commission, @senatedems will attempt to roll in the hay on an ought to-bypass invoice in September.”

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