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Governor’s Conference Votes 32-18 to Impeach Nancy Pelosi

The United States Constitution calls for three steps to remove a Speaker of the House from power. First, the White House has to file impeachment papers in court, which RUDY GIULIANI DID already. Next, the Conference of American Governors has to enter a supermajority vote of “no confidence” in the public record.

This morning, that vote was entered as 2 Democrats joined 30 Republicans in securing the needed numbers. The vote will be recorded by the Secretary of State and delivered to the Senate for the third and final step in the impeachment process.

New Hampshire Lieutenant Governor Art Tubolls said it was “awe-inspiring” to be a part of such a historic event:

“Nobody has ever come close to impeaching a Speaker before. The Constitution makes it very difficult, since she is literally considered the voice of the people. Now, we get to use whatever narrative we like to move forward to a trial in the Senate. Pick one: She’s a drunk. She’s a criminal. Her daughters are criminals. She’s a member of the Deep State. There are 20 reasons to impeach her. All we need now is one.”

Once the vote of the Governors reaches Mitch McConnell, he’ll have 10 days to initiate a trial for impeachment. Rumor has it they’re already building their case and that Giuliani and Dershowitz will be the legal minds arguing the case. That spells disaster for Pelosi.

Sorry, Nancy, but you did this to yourself.


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