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Pelosi Warns – The World Will End If Trump Wins

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suffered yet another “nervous fit” during a town hall event on CNN, claiming “civilization as we know it” might not survive another four years of President Trump.

“The damage that this administration has done to America, America’s a great country,” she blathered on. “We can sustain. Two terms, I don’t know.”

When asked about what the House could do to keep Trump in check should he win reelection, Pelosi admitted she couldn’t even bear the thought.

“Let’s not even contemplate that,” Pelosi said.

“Civilization, as we know it today, is at stake in the next election, and certainly our planet,” she added.

Nervous Nancy
Knowing she’s being worked like a puppet by extremists in her party appears to be weighing on Nervous Nancy.

Aside from claiming that the sky is falling, Madame Speaker spent yesterday scolding a reporter for daring to ask a rhetorical question on whether or not she hates the President.

Despite it being clear that she does, Pelosi lost her cool and eviscerated the reporter by invoking her Catholic faith and saying: “I don’t hate anyone. I pray for the president all the time. So don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that.”

The President was quick to mock the California Democrat for having a “nervous fit” and lying about praying for him all the time.

It’s clear the nervous fit didn’t end there.


Changing Her Tune
Pelosi’s comments are yet another obvious sign that her impeachment push is solely about the upcoming election.

She admitted as much following her meltdown over the word ‘hate.’

“I think this president is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence. I think that he is cruel when he doesn’t deal with helping our ‘Dreamers,’ of which we are very proud of. I think he is in denial about the climate crisis. However, that’s about the election.”

It’s a far cry from days gone by when she tried to convince voters that Democrats had no interest in pursuing impeachment, to full-throated support of taking down the President.

“I’m not for impeachment,” Pelosi said just nine months ago. “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path because it divides the country.”

There’s been nothing compelling, overwhelming, or bipartisan since then. So what changed?

She got shoved by the Squad.

New York socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demanded Democrats move forward on impeachment, declaring it an “emergency.”

And boy, did Nancy jump. She went from a level-headed assessment of needing actual impeachable evidence, to dancing to the delight of AOC while singing REM’s ‘It’s the End of the World As We Know It.’

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