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Kamala Loses Her Cool In Ukraine On Live TV – After Question On Ukraine Refugees She Breaks Into A Fit Of Laughter

For some strange reason, the Biden administration keeps sending Kamala Harris to Europe. Maybe old Joe just wants her out of the country. But with tensions as high as they are—as Russia continues to attack Ukraine—you have to wonder why she is the one still speaking with our NATO allies.

Can’t we send at least one good general to work with NATO nations—or were they all fired when Biden took over?

Even at her best, Harris struggles. She often gets tripped up on simple questions. More often than not, she looks like a deer in the headlights. Shouldn’t a real vice president know how to handle the job?

Just check out what happened when she was asked a fairly straightforward question about Ukrainian refugees coming to the United States.

From Fox News:

A reporter pressed Harris on the Ukrainian refugee crisis during her joint press conference with Duda in Poland Thursday…

“I’m wondering what the United States is going to do more specifically to set up a permanent infrastructure and, relatedly, is the United States willing to make a special allocation for Ukrainian refugees?” the reporter asked Harris…

Harris did not appear eager to answer the inquiry, turning expectantly toward Doda and saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed,” before laughing for several seconds. Duda eventually capitulated and answered his question first, saying he had asked Harris to help speed the process of Ukrainian refugees obtaining U.S. visas in order to stay with family in the States.

Unbelievable. A reporter brought up the fact that Poland is not equipped to take in the possibly millions of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the war. He asked Harris what plans the U.S. had for assisting, perhaps bringing in more refugees. Harris looked over at President Duda, laughed awkwardly, then gave no answer.

Duda stepped in with remarks for his part. But we never got a straight answer from the “vice president.” You’d think, something this important, she would have information about this. Does the U.S. have a limit to how many Ukrainians they are willing to bring in? After Biden let the Taliban take over Afghanistan, his administration welcomed tens of thousands of refugees. Some of them didn’t even have papers.

Are we not planning on helping in this situation? Or does Biden only care about helping refugees who are non-European? It’s startling that Harris didn’t have an answer for this reporter. At the very least, she could have assured them that the U.S. would do what it could to help. But not even that.

This is why the situation is as bad as it is. Because the Biden administration is not taking the lead. I suspect it’s because there is nobody in it that knows how.

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