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Nancy Pelosi’s “Quick Vote” Just Failed – $1.5T Spending Package Stopped In Its Tracks Because Of “Major Concerns”

With war breaking out between Russia and Ukraine and oil prices skyrocketing, the Joe Biden administration faces yet another set of concerning crises.

Economic times are tough, and many citizens don’t relish the idea of a colossal spending package. However, there’s a $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill in the works on Capitol Hill.

Except For Now, It’s Not Going Anywhere.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats were hoping to push through the 2,700-page bill this week, as it would provide critical aid for embattled Ukraine.

Left-wing politicians in Washington planned a double victory: Ukraine would get the help it needs, and Democrat leaders would get a large portion of their agenda filled, if the bill passed with a “quick vote.”

That won’t happen now, though, due to “major concerns” about what the bill includes.

This isn’t the first time Speaker Pelosi failed to ram through a piece of legislation, but it’s arguably her most disappointing letdown of 2022 so far. And there might not be an easy path forward.

From Fox News:

House Democrats’ plan to take a quick vote to fund the government and provide aid for Ukraine were scuttled Wednesday as leadership didn’t have the votes to advance a $1.5 trillion massive piece of legislation.

House members say the delays are largely due to disagreements about coronavirus funding, along with defense spending levels.

On top of that, many say there simply hasn’t been enough time to properly review the massive document (2,741 pages, to be exact). Rushing a vote without reading the entire bill doesn’t sit well with many Americans.

Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) said Pelosi’s “biggest problem” is that too many members are learning “for the first time” what’s actually included in the legislation.

Pelosi did reveal they had plans to remove the $15.6 billion in coronavirus relief funding, which she called “heartbreaking” but necessary.

She also got upset when reporters repeatedly asked her about the delays:

‘Let’s grow up about this,’ Pelosi said. ‘… We’re in the legislative process.’

She added that “every line in the bill is a negotiation,” so it’s going to take some time. As such, there was no way they were going to get $1.5 trillion approved by the end of the work week.

While the package does include $13.6 billion in Ukraine aid, Republicans allege it also contains plenty of “pork” for Democrats.

There have been reports about money headed to both Russia and Venezuela in various forms and for different reasons, for example. And again, it seems most politicians aren’t aware of everything in the bill.

The “major concerns” cited by House members, and the lack of necessary time to review, is stopping everything in its tracks right now.

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