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Mike Pence Quietly Upstages Kamala Harris – He Just Went To The Border Of Ukraine And Met With Refugees

We learned yesterday that, once again, Biden sent Kamala Harris to Europe to deal with the Russian invasion. The “vice president” appeared to offer little in the way of help.

When asked if she knew how many refugees the U.S. would take in, she laughed awkwardly and never answered the question. Clearly, she is not bringing the best to this crisis.

But while Harris was embarrassing the country in front of NATO, another VP was actually doing something to help. Organizations from around the world have been moving heaven and earth to help displaced Ukrainian citizens. One of these organizations, Samaritan’s Purse, had people on the frontlines, welcoming refugees right on the border.

And Mike Pence himself traveled all the way to Ukraine to help. From Fox News:

Former Vice President Mike Pence met on Thursday with Ukrainian refugees flooding into Poland as they escaped Russia’s military assault of their country…

Pence was accompanied by his wife, former second lady Karen Pence. The two traveled to the region with Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian humanitarian organization. They were joined by the group’s vice president of operations, Edward Graham, who’s the son of the organization’s president, the nationally known evangelical pastor Franklin Graham.

Pretty ironic that while the left’s version of a “vice president” was fumbling in Poland, a real vice president was on the front lines helping. Mike Pence went to the Ukrainian border to assist Samaritan’s Purse in their relief efforts. He and his wife Karen greeted refugees as they flee their homeland, offering support and hope.

Pence condemned Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine saying, “The impact of the Russian invasion on these families is heartbreaking and the need for support is great.” His presence on the border will no doubt encourage people from all over the world to give. Even though he’s no longer in office, Pence is doing more to help the crisis than the current “vice president.”

Some might say this is a ploy by Pence, who could be angling for a 2024 shot. So, what? How many sitting officials are actually going to see what is going on in Ukraine? How many wanna-be leaders have put themselves in the line of fire, so they can meet with the hurting Ukrainians? I don’t see Joe Biden bothering to visit. Nor are all those Democrats who are actually patting themselves on the back for what they did in 2021.


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