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Ted Cruz Gives The ‘People’s Convoy’ A Boost In D.C. – The Senator Just Jumped Onboard And Rode Shotgun

The liberal media would love nothing more than for you to forget about the People’s Convoy. Ever since Trudeau disgracefully shut down Canada’s convoy, folks all over the world were inspired by that movement. A large convoy of American truckers decided to book it to D.C., to protest Biden’s failed agenda.

Liberals have slandered the movement, much like Trudeau did. Harris pathetically claimed the “smog” from these truckers was going to hurt folks in D.C. No more than the usual swamp gas, Kamala. But Sen. Ted Cruz has been an eager supporter of this movement. And he even jumped in and rode shotgun to prove it.

From Daily Caller:

“God bless the truckers. Lemme just say to each of you, thank you for being here. Thank you for speaking out. Thank you for giving your voice…”

In his speech, Cruz announced that he would ride as a passenger in the lead truck, which was driven by organizers of the People’s Convoy, including Brian Brase.

The convoy did one two-lane loop across the D.C. Beltway. While the convoy stayed in the surrounding D.C. area, the main truck with Cruz went into Washington, D.C., to hold a press conference outside the Capitol.

Sen. Ted Cruz is using his considerable influence to draw attention to the People’s Convoy. He even jumped into the led truck as it rolled into D.C. He held a press conference with the movement’s organizers to call out Biden’s failures. He was joined by other notable GOP Congress members during the event.

Among the convoy’s intentions, they want the national emergency Biden is using to push mandates brought to an end. Even the Senate agrees with this, passing a bill to end the emergency. But Biden is clearly ignoring Americans, vowing to veto this bill to keep his emergency powers.

This movement, much like the one in Canada, is enjoying support from people all over the world. It’s shocking to think that a message like this is being ignored by democratically elected officials, even though it is supported by such a wide margin. It’s as if Biden and his party don’t care about the very principles on which our government is founded. They’d rather ignore Americans, deny us our rights, and push dictator-like mandates.

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