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Federal Judge Sends Clinton Lawyer Spinning – He Denies Sussman’s Request To Delete Durham Findings

The federal investigation into “Russia gate” has been going on for a long time. Many Americans might be frustrated that more information hasn’t come to light. Especially considering that, as time moves on, it gets harder and harder to expose the truth.

But progress was made when a former Clinton campaign lawyer, Michael Sussmann, was indicted last year for lying to the FBI.

Last month, information came out that shook the D.C. swamp. Durham filed information that appeared to expose even more wrongdoing on the part of the campaign. Democrats have scrambled as much as they could to dismiss this information, even as Clinton explores a future in politics. Sussmann even wanted the data “struck” from the record. But the judge refused.

From Washington Examiner:

A federal judge presiding over the case against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann denied the defendant’s efforts to strike information revealed last month by special counsel John Durham regarding a debunked narrative of a secret link between former President Donald Trump and Russia…

Sussmann was indicted last year on charges of allegedly concealing his clients, including Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, from the FBI when he pushed since-debunked claims of a secret backchannel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa Bank. He has pleaded not guilty.

Michael Sussmann is being charged with lying to the FBI over a narrative he pushed against Donald Trump and his administration. He appeared to land in even more water after Durham filed new documents with the court last month, alleging the Clinton campaign hired a tech company to monitor Trump servers.

Sussmann’s team tried to strike those filings from the record, arguing they were false. But the federal judge, an Obama appointee, refused to comply. Though, at the same time, he questioned why Durham filed those documents when he did.

It appears it’s all hands on deck amongst Democrats ever since Durham filed those reports. Democrats were already in trouble moving into the midterms. Many of them fear what they are going to do in 2024, since Joe Biden might not be viable by then. Some have pinned their hopes on Clinton; but if this Durham filing is accurate, she won’t be running anytime soon.

More than that, Democrats still maintain their attacks against Trump. Anything that undermines what they did in 2016 and beyond would weaken their narrative. Even though their claims were debunked, they still have to fight to defend what they did—or many heads could roll.

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