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Fox News Asks For America’s Prayers – A Reporter In Ukraine Has Been Injured And A Cameraman Has Lost His Life

Fox News appears to be one of the few mainstream outlets covering Biden’s failed administration. Left-wing outlets continue to protect him, even as we watch his mistakes wreak havoc around the world.

The worst, perhaps, has been his inability to do much about the war in Ukraine. Despite his bold words, Biden refuses to take strong measures to confront Putin such as figure out a way to get Polish jets to the battered nation.

Many fear what might come of the Ukraine invasion. Fox News, among other media outlets, went to the war-torn region to cover the news. One of their reporters, Benjamin Hall, was on the ground with cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski.

According to reports, their car was struck while covering the war. Hall was injured and the beloved Fox News staffer, Zakrzewski, was killed.

From Biz Pac Review:

Fox News Media CEO Suzanne Scott has announced the tragic passing of Fox cameraman Pierre Zakrzewski.

He was killed while covering the war in Ukraine…

The network shared their grief online, as calls for prayers began to circulate.

From The Federalist Papers:

Fox’s John Roberts shared an update from the channel’s CEO, Suzanne Scott, shortly after the news of the injury broke. Roberts confirmed that Hall is hospitalized, with Fox possessing only minimum details on the injury…

“Please keep Ben, and his family, in your prayers,” the message concluded.

Fox News announced that one of their longtime cameramen and staffers, Pierre Zakrzewski, was killed while covering the Ukrainian war. He was in a car with reporter Benjamin Hall, when they were hit by incoming fire. Hall sustained injuries and has been hospitalized. Zakrzewski’s death was announced by the network, confirmed by their CEO and president.

Tributes to Zakrzewski began pouring in from Fox News staff. They spoke of Zakrzewski’s tireless work for his team. He was the first to jump in when there was a need. He covered news all over the world, including conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Reporters described him as selfless, brave, and passionate.

Zakrzewski was 55 years and leaves behind his wife and children. The network asked for prayers for his family and for Hall, who remains in the hospital. This tragic episode only further underscores the cost of this unprovoked attack by Russia. And the need for this conflict to quickly end, so lives can be spared.

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