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2022 Swing State Race Takes a Major Turn – Polls Go Into “Free Fall” for Fetterman as Oz Scores Police Endorsement

What’s Happening:

To the media, the race for Pennsylvania senator was a shoo-in. They all but assumed Democrat John Fetterman would fill that seat.

But, then, Fetterman’s dirty laundry came out. And his opponent, Oz Mehmet, just got a major endorsement.

From YouTube:

The Fraternal Order of Police Union Chief John McNesby said that “we need to have Dr. Oz” to “support our law enforcement,” during a segment on WCAU (NBC) (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 9/27/2022.

They even blasted Fetterman as a friend to one of their enemies.

And now, it looks like Fetterman could be in trouble.

From Breitbart:

Surveying 1,008 registered Pennsylvania voters between September 22-26 with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points, the new poll puts Fetterman at 45 percent while Oz stands at 41 percent, a full four points within the sampling error and a tremendous surge for Oz, who trailed Fetterman by 11 points in late July.

This will be a very close race. The Democrat, a far-left progressive who wants to legalize heroin, does not have majority support.

An independent candidate, Everrett Stern, is also stealing support with 3 points.

Approximately 11 percent of voters are still undecided. So, this very close poll gives Oz more than a chance at clinching the race.

He is currently within the margin of error in a recent Fox News poll. That is a massive improvement from July when he was behind by 11 points.

That is very bad news for Fetterman. You don’t want your advantage to shrink at all as you get close to the election.

And especially not by double digits. If Oz can hold onto this number and pick up most of those undecideds, he will win the race.

An endorsement by the police union is a major win. Democrats have been struggling to erase their pro-defund stance from recent years.

But it doesn’t appear as if voters and police believe what they say today. Democrats in local races continue to push radical policies that lead to more crime.

Oz can use this endorsement to convince voters he is a law-and-order candidate. Which could secure the victory.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Fraternal Order of Police Union endorsed Republican Senate candidate Mehmet Oz.
  • His Democratic rival, John Fetterman, has lost 11 points according to a Fox News poll.
  • Fetterman’s campaign has been struggling ever since his dirty laundry came out.

Source: YouTube, Breitbart

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