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Days After Americans Expect Bidenflation To Drop – The President Faces A Turn For The Worse On Food And Gas Prices

Joe Biden promised to “build back better.” But he failed to accomplish anything significant in 2021. Instead, he triggered massive inflation and numerous crises. And 2022 stands to be much worse. Because of Joe Biden’s incompetence, Russia is invading Ukraine. The war is spilling out into Europe and the rest of the world, as refugees and other factors stand to hurt billions of people.

Biden claims sanctions on Russia are what’s harming our economy. But we know this was going on for a long time. Neither Biden nor his administration has any clue on how to deal with inflation, the supply chain, or the energy crisis. Things might have been looking better for the last few days, but the worst is yet to come.

From Fox Business:

Gas prices may have eased slightly from their most recent highs, but for Americans the relief isn’t projected to last, according to an industry expert…

On Monday crude prices jumped 7% to the $112 level. Given the rally, gasoline prices are expected to make a U-turn in the next week, Lipow said. He estimated that the national average could climb back to $4.30 per gallon. In California, some locations are nearing $6.

And that’s not even the half of it. Bidenflation is poised to cause food prices to skyrocket.

From Fox Business:

“It comes an absolutely horrible time for American consumers because we’re looking every day at inflation almost reaching 10%,” Dan Varroney, a supply chain expert and founder of Potomac Core, told FOX Business. “Last month’s figures were close to 8%. And that means that consumers, including those that are living paycheck to paycheck, are going to pay more for food.”

Experts are predicting the small decrease in gas prices over the last few days will end. They say prices will reach a national average of $4.30 a gallon. This is largely thanks to Joe Biden’s policies that have hampered American energy production, not Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

But the problem does not end there. Inflation has been gaining steam over the last year. Last month, it was at 8%. Some are projecting it to reach as high as 10%, a level that is in no way sustainable for anyone. Add that to the sanctions and bad decisions made by Biden in recent days, experts predict a rise in food prices.

This, of course, will hurt the average American the most. High food prices will hurt working Americans and many middle-class Americans. Not that Biden seems to care. He and his party are only concerned, apparently, with the global elite. Rich Democrats don’t care if food prices get high. They can afford increases in gas prices as well.

But the rest of us? What about families working paycheck to paycheck? Folks who rely on cheap gas for work? Families that were already scrapping by, and now have to worry about putting food on the table?

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