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Days After Biden Adviser Insults ‘The Squad’ – He’s Suddenly Packing His Bags For A Job At The DNC

Over the last few months, we’ve seen many people flee the Biden administration.

That includes over a dozen of Kamala’s staff and also Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki. It doesn’t seem like anyone likes working in this broke administration.

One top official, however, might have thought he was safe. But he made the mistake of insulting “squad” member AOC.

Now, he is also forced to flee the White House.

From Fox News:

Senior Biden adviser Cedric Richmond will depart the White House to work for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) next month, Fox News has confirmed…

Richmond’s departure comes one day after reports that he criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. and her fellow “squad” members as “f—ing idiots” after the 2020 election.

Isn’t this interesting? One of Biden’s top officials is leaving the administration one day after it came out that he insulted AOC and her radical allies.

This could be a coincidence. Or this could be a sign that Biden’s White House is actually run by the socialist wing of the party.

Richmond, like everyone else that ditched the administration, is leaving for a lower-ranked job elsewhere.

Instead of working in the White House, he will be playing catch-up for the DNC. Mind you, the DNC is tasked with the horrible job of trying to help candidates win in 2022.

All signs point to Democrats losing big this election. So anyone working in the DNC has a miserable few months ahead of them.

Why would anyone leave a comfortable job at the White House for that kind of gig?

Only if he really wants to get out of dodge. Many people fled Harris’s office, because of Kamala’s reportedly “abusive” behavior.

It’s possible Richmond got sick and tired of leftists controlling the administration. He would rather work with the DNC than put up with senile Joe and his handlers.

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