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Pelosi’s Husband Is Under The Microscope – After Dems Push For Green Energy He Buys $2M In Tesla Stock

Over the past few years, Americans have wondered about our elected officials. Specifically, they wonder how so many can get so rich; it seems impossible they’d become so wealthy based on salaries alone.

That’s where the question of stocks and trading comes in. Many argue that high-ranking politicos have inside information that allows their families to cash in again and again.

Perhaps the most prominent topic on the leftist agenda is the climate and the concept of “green” energy. They aim to eliminate the need for fossil fuels and push back against more oil drilling.

This has resulted in a difficult situation, with the Russia/Ukraine war and the fact that America is no longer energy-independent.

Former President Donald Trump made big strides in that direction, so the U.S. wouldn’t rely on foreign powers for oil. Of course, Democrats would rather have no oil, but that simply isn’t a viable option yet.

Still, the agenda is clear and they keep pushing it. And Pelosi’s husband appears to know which way the wind is blowing.

Via The Daily Wire:

Amid Democrats pushing for higher levels of green energy spending, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) bought 2,500 shares of Tesla stock, according to recent congressional filings.

Pelosi’s husband Paul purchased the shares last Thursday and the filings were published Monday. He paid $500 a share, or $2.18 million at time of purchase.

Shares rose to $872 each by the end of that day. Since executing the trade, shares of the electric vehicle and clean energy company surged about 19%, reaching $1,036 at one point.

Pelosi’s husband is already a multi-millionaire. He runs a venture capital firm in San Francisco, and has vigorously defended the right of Congress members to buy and trade stocks.

This comes not long after a report emerged showing that “57 members of Congress and at least 182” staffers participated in stock trading between 2020 and 2021.

Interestingly, Speaker Pelosi has altered her stance on this issue: just recently, she said she wouldn’t block a ban on congressmen trading stock, calling it a “confidence issue.”

But obviously, Paul Pelosi might be taking advantage. Perhaps it’s no surprise that his large purchase of Tesla stock coincides with ramped-up calls by Democrats to focus more on clean energy.

Don’t forget that President Joe Biden just dedicated a whopping $555 billion to “climate action,” which most Democrats in power support.

So, with that much money and influence behind the green agenda, perhaps it only makes sense that Pelosi’s husband would invest in a company that pushes electric energy for vehicles.

At the same time, many are wondering if he’s privy to more information — are more changes coming that put green energy companies in an even better position? Is there good reason to believe stocks will rise again?

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