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Hillary Just Got Punished By The FEC – Clinton And The DNC Are Fined Over Their 2016 Funding Of Trump Dossier

The liberal media rolled their eyes when Trump announced he was suing Hillary Clinton. Specifically, he was going after her 2016 campaign over what is commonly known as “Russiagate.” This came soon after bombshell details came out from John Durham’s ongoing investigation.

Of course, the left dismissed all of this. They claimed it was all a smear campaign, cooked up by Fox News. But, for some odd reason, Hillary Clinton fell off the radar. After popping up again and again earlier this year, she’s suddenly returned to her hive. Maybe these revelations have done more than we realize?

Because now the FEC is going after Clinton—for the very same reason.

From The Washington Examiner:

The Federal Election Commission has fined the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for lying about the funding of the infamous, and discredited, Russian “dossier” used in a smear attempt against Donald Trump weeks before he shocked the world with his 2016 presidential victory.

The election agency said that Clinton and the DNC violated strict rules on describing expenditures of payments funneled to the opposition research firm Fusion GPS through their law firm.

Are we watching the ax being to fall? After years of denials and distractions from the Democrats, the FEC of all bodies is fining Clinton and her campaign for her infamous dossier. It’s been a while, but you might remember this as the dossier that triggered the left’s campaign against Trump. It was this very dossier they used to accuse Trump of working with Russia and “stealing” the election.

This very dossier was the ammunition for Democrats to claim, even to this day, that the 2016 election was rigged. (Ironically, today, they will call you an insurrectionist if you suggest something similar about the 2020 Election, where their guy won.) Yet now, the FEC is hammering Clinton over this dossier, because her campaign did not disclose the funding for these documents.

This dossier made wild claims about Trump, calling into question not only his allegiance but his character. Not much in the documents appeared to be accurate, including the dates and trips by Trump staffers (who easily debunked them). A special counsel used this dossier as a framework for a 2+ year investigation, finding that no American worked with Russia during the election.

Yet Democrats still push this narrative to undermine conservatives, Trump, and his supporters.

What does it mean that Clinton is being fined? At the very least, the FEC is acknowledging that she lied about how she paid for it. This gets us closer to seeing the truth come out. Perhaps the FBI or DOJ is about to make an announcement?

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