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Jen Psaki Report Shakes The White House – Biden’s Spokeswoman May Abandon Joe For Streaming Cable Show

One of the biggest problems with the Biden White House has been his unimpressive staff. From the State Department to the Department of Transportation, Biden’s top officials have been far from stellar.

They have fumbled major tasks, like relations with China and the supply chain. That even includes handling the press, as the White House’s top spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, has shown us.

Psaki is best known for “circling back.” She rarely had adequate answers to even softball questions. That was probably because she was too busy doing damage control for Sleepy Joe. But Psaki went beyond her role as White House press secretary, like when she spoke instead of the president. And even getting mired in partisan battles with members of Congress.

Now, it looks like Psaki has put in “enough time” to make a name for herself. Because recent reports claim she is abandoning ship.

From Breitbart:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki plans to leave the White House in May to host a show on NBC’s Peacock streaming platform, according to a report…

Psaki, who is currently on leave after a second case of coronavirus, will leave the White House “around May” according to the report.

Psaki worked as a political pundit on CNN before joining the White House, and will also participate in that capacity at NBC and MSNBC.

Big shocker here. After helping tank the Biden administration with her unimpressive performance and constant partisan attitude, Jen Psaki looks like she’s ditching the White House for a better job.

According to reports, she will be leaving Joe’s sinking ship to host a show on MSNBC’s streaming service. Clearly, Jen has had enough trying to explain and backtrack Biden’s idiocy.

Psaki can’t officially confirm any job she has lined up after leaving the White House, but with as widespread as the reports are, we’ll probably hear about it definitively soon.

Must be nice, huh Jen? Spend more than a year making a mockery of our White House, covering for a corrupt, mentally frail “president.” Only to cash in when it’s most convenient for a cushy job on a streaming show?

We’ve seen plenty of people ditch Biden and Harris recently. Psaki is, by far, the biggest name to leave. She is fleeing the failed Biden administration for perhaps a hefty payday.

But will it pay off, in the long run? Chris Wallace left top-rated Fox News for a streaming show on CNN+. Can’t say that will pan out for him. Can the charmless Psaki score big on Peacock?

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