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Herschel Walker Sends Democrats Spinning – After Trump Support For GA Race The NFL Star Raises $5.5M

Democrats thought they “flipped” Georgia after the 2020 run-offs. Sure, they now have two liberal senators in office. But things just might change soon.

NFL legend Hershel Walker announced his candidacy for Senate. He quickly received an endorsement from Donald Trump.

Walker is now enjoying a massive haul, as supporters are eager to see him soar.

From Fox News:

Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker racked up another impressive fundraising haul for his Senate campaign as he tries to unseat Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia in November’s midterm elections.

The former professional and college football star running back, who won a Heisman Trophy and helped propel the University of Georgia to a national championship, announced on Wednesday that his campaign pulled in $5.5 million during the January-March first quarter of 2022 fundraising. That’s up from the $5.4 million Walker hauled in during the final three months of last year.

Hershel Walker’s campaign announced an impressive $5.5 million fundraising effort for the first quarter of 2022. It was one of the largest hauls for a Republican candidate ever.

Walker even brought in donations from 50,000 people from all 50 states. That shows the power of Trump’s endorsement.

And how much Americans believe in Walker.

The candidate made a name for himself years ago, achieving greatness in college and professional football. Since then, he has become an outspoken conservative and patriot.

He constantly outraged the left, being a smart, effective, black conservative. He is running against Raphael Warnock, a radical leftist who pushes socialism.

Walker has a good chance of unseating this Democrat, who rode on the coattails of the 2020 Election. With Democrats crashing and burning, the majority conservative state will gladly give Walker a chance.

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