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Biden Family Taxes Turn Heads Across America: Report Claims Joe And Jill Earned More But Paid Less Taxes In 2021

Most Americans are struggling in this “new reality,” where inflation continues to rise and the general cost of living just keeps going up.

At the same time, we continue to hear stories about highly-paid politicians who are sitting pretty — and partly because they have very good lawyers and accountants.

Maybe That’s Why The Bidens Actually Paid Less In Taxes This Year, Despite Making More.

The numbers are making waves all over the internet, and the taxpayers aren’t happy with what they see.

If America was firing on all cylinders and gas wasn’t $5/gallon in many places, and the cost of groceries wasn’t shocking, this might be ho-hum news.

But that’s really not the case, so U.S. citizens aren’t likely to look favorably on the First Couple saving a nice chunk while so many have it rough.

According to a Breitbart report, the Biden family continues to sit pretty, despite the lousy environment:

In 2021, Joe and Jill Biden reported $610,702 in earned income and paid 24.6 percent in federal taxes. In the year prior, they reported $607,336 in earnings.

Despite the nearly $4,000 increase in income, the Biden family paid almost $7,000 less in federal income tax for 2021.

In 2020, the Bidens paid a hefty $157,414 tax bill, but that mysteriously dropped to $150,439 last year.

This is decidedly odd because the two raked in more than they did in 2020, which would normally result in a larger tax bill as well. But that didn’t happen.

Per the tax return, most of the money comes from Biden’s salary of $400,000, and he took home $378,333 of that.

First Lady Jill Biden netted $67,116 from a Northern Virginia Community College teaching spot, and the two reported an extra $61,995 earned from two S Corporations.

The Bidens were apparently proud of releasing this information:

With this release, the President has shared a total of 24 years of tax returns with the American public, once again demonstrating his commitment to being transparent with the American people about the finances of the commander in chief.

But this transparency is raising a lot of questions.

The couple not only made more money last year, they donated only about half the amount they gave to charity in 2020.

How all this translates to a tax savings might confuse some people. And it might really irritate those who are struggling to fill their gas tanks every week.

It’s also important to note that Joe Biden reportedly made over $16.5 million in just the years between 2017 and 2019, so he’s hardly hurting for cash.

It’s likely that fans of Biden and Democrat leaders will simply applaud the President’s transparency, citing Trump’s refusal to make his returns public.

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