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Trump Accuses Video Of New Interview As “Unlawfully” Edited – And Claims He Has The Evidence To Prove It

When President Donald Trump takes the stage, there’s always a chance for fireworks.

But when they don’t happen, reporters and others members of the media might be tempted to manufacture some fireworks to keep viewers’ attention.

And According To Trump, That’s Exactly What British Media Star Piers Morgan Did.

The former POTUS agreed to sit down to an interview with Morgan, which is scheduled to air on “Piers Morgan Uncensored.”

In order to promote the big event, Morgan posted a 30-second teaser to his personal Twitter account — and that’s when all hell broke loose.

The clip evidently shows Trump storming off the set at the end of the interview, which quickly got plenty of attention.

However, not long after, NBC News revealed that Trump’s team tells a very different story of what happened.

In fact, they say Trump didn’t storm off at all and claimed the two men “laughed and thanked each other.” Trump was also quick to respond (via The Daily Wire):

Piers Morgan, like the rest of the Fake News Media, attempted to unlawfully and deceptively edit his long and tedious interview with me.

He wanted to make it look like I walked out on the interview when my time limit of 20 minutes went over by an hour.

The good news is that the interview was taped by us as a means of keeping him honest.

The former President added that people should compare his teaser clip to the real thing, which is apparently very different than what was advertised.

Trump concluded by saying that Morgan “went out of his way to deceptively edit an interview and got caught.”

The part where Trump said “turn the camera off” actually came after the two had said their goodbyes, which is why Donald calls it “very deceptive.”

Perhaps it doesn’t came as a surprise to Trump supporters to learn that Morgan has been critical of the former Commander-in-Chief, even saying he regretted supporting Trump.

Regardless of his political stance, though, Morgan might face some backlash over this.

If it’s absolutely true that the footage of the interview was edited to paint Trump in a bad light, then it could easily be called deceptive and, as Trump said, “unlawful.”

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