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Days After CNN + Falls Apart – Fox-Jumping Chris Wallace Claims He’s A ‘Victim’ But Without A Show He’s In ‘Good Shape’

The news hit the country last week that CNN’s big streaming app was a flop. CNN+ was closed after 3 weeks online.

You might remember Chris Wallace dumped top-rated Fox News to join the new app. He abandoned an 18-year relationship to join the lowest-rated network’s risky gamble.

Now, he is out of a job—but is trying to spin it.

From Daily Wire:

“It’s an interesting thing and I’ve been a victim of all of this in the last week,” Wallace [said]…

“I have absolutely no idea which is right and wrong, but the Discovery people are in charge and so they made the decision,” he said…

“I mean my gosh, Jackie, it just happened on Thursday. Give me a couple days,” Wallace said, adding, “I am going to be fine. I’m in good shape whether it’s at CNN or someplace else.”

Clearly, Chris Wallace has been forced to eat his “just desserts.” After ditching the highest-rated news network in the country for CNN+, he is left holding the bag.

Wallace, who has long drawn the ire of Trump supporters, must have believed CNN+ was the future of news. Instead, he is now saying he’s a “victim” of all of this.

Victim? Really? That’s some strong language for something that you knew could have happened. Launching an app is a risky business. And without a strong base of subscribers, many similar ventures have failed.

It seems like Wallace was sticking his nose up at Fox, his home for over 18 years, to join their hated rival.

Now, he is without a job or any prospects. But he is claiming he’s “in good shape.”

From what perspective? He burned bridges with Fox and has been dumped by CNN.

Where is he going to go? MSNBC? They already have their hands full with Jen Psaki, who is reportedly leaving the White House for their streaming service (let’s see how well that goes).

It looks like Wallace is up a creek without a paddle. We’ll see if he goes crawling back to Fox.

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