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Texas Executes Operation Lone Star – And They Just Landed Arrests On 5 Crossing The Border

Texas Gov. Greg Abbot petitioned the White House for help with the border crisis. Despite many pleas, Biden and Harris have ignored him.

Meanwhile, the situation only gets worse as tens of thousands cross the border daily.

Months ago, Texas launched “Operation Lone Star” in an attempt to protect the border. Here is one of their stories.

From Townhall:

Troopers from the Texas Department of Public Safety and members of the Texas National Guard completed a successful mission Sunday night after arresting five illegal immigrants from Honduras…

When asked if they were afraid to be deported, the oldest man in the group spoke up and said he was fearful of being sent back to Honduras, parroting a line often coached by human smugglers to meet the federal government’s low bar of credible fear to make an asylum claim.

Texas law enforcement encountered five men during Operation Lone Star activities. These men had crossed the border illegally and were found walking across private property.

Biden’s failed border policies have made it so easy for migrants to cross the border. These border jumpers don’t even fear being caught by police.

That is because they’ve been coached by liberal immigration activists to say they “fear” returning to their home state. They’ve been told that will get them into the U.S.

But Texas law enforcement has other plans. The governor warned migrants that if they trespassed on private land, they could face up to one year of imprisonment.

Texas authorities do not have the power to deport border jumpers. Because the federal government has tied its hands, there is only so much a state like Texas can do.

Meanwhile, Biden looks the other way as migrants trample over American communities.

Things will only get worse after Title 42 is revoked. It seems clear that Biden intends to let in as many migrants as possible, all to appease the far left.

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